
Consensus in the district committee: Animal shelter needs a solution, but the consultant’s prices are far too high

Consensus in the district committee: Animal shelter needs a solution, but the consultant’s prices are far too high

A report from the Shelter Planners of America on the Vermilion County Animal Shelter was reviewed by the County Board Property Committee Monday night. After spending $16,800 in ARPA COVID relief funds to evaluate the Arlington, Texas-based firm, the feeling is YES, something needs to be done, and NO, we cannot spend the money they recommended.

The past few years have brought all kinds of challenges; from the pandemic to the mysterious “canine respiratory disease” earlier this year, which created extreme stress when it came to keeping infected dogs separated from healthy dogs in confined spaces.

The consultant says a completely new shelter at that location could cost between $12 million and $15 million. Replacing the old part and leaving the new part standing could cost as much as $9 million, according to Shelter Planners of America.

Housing Committee Chairman Kevin Green heard from numerous committee members who objected to these amounts. But there is also a sense that this is an issue that cannot be ignored. Green says it’s time to get creative; and it seems that applies to everyone.

AUDIO: The price of this is a surprise to everyone. So we need to think about the specific direction we want to go in. And not just the County Board, but the whole community. We will need the public’s opinion and support in every decision.

One decision that has definitely been made is that the county needs more help from the city of Danville for this shelter. Under an agreement that is about ten years old, Danville pays the county $125,000 annually to support the shelter. However, since 52% of the animals the shelter takes in are from Danville, the city would have to pay about $457,000, according to the Shelter Planners of America report. County Board Chairman Larry Baughn says YES, they are talking about an updated agreement. But he doesn’t necessarily agree with the 457,000 number the report recommends.

AUDIO: Mayor Williams and I and the director of the shelter sat down; I believe it was early summer. We walked through the shelter and the mayor and I were given a tour that day. And I know Mayor Williams was well aware that we needed to review the contract and renegotiate some of these terms. Now, do I think that’s a little over the top? I honestly do.

Baughn said he plans to visit a couple of newer shelters. One in Kankakee County and another in Lafayette, Indiana, where Shelter Planners of America was involved. County Board member Jerry Hawker commented that he believes the Property Committee’s allocation of $200,000 in new funding in FY25 will at least help address some immediate problems.

AUDIO: Upgrade electrical, heating and air conditioning; fix some doors that are broken. At least start with some of those little things.

The Shelter Planners of America report can be found on the Vermilion County website.

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