
3 zodiac signs that master life’s challenges In the week from 12 to 18 August 2024

3 zodiac signs that master life’s challenges In the week from 12 to 18 August 2024

The week of August 12-18, 2024 promises to be turbulent, especially towards the end of the week. The most difficult signs this week are Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio.

On Wednesday, Mars conjuncts Jupiter, a transit that almost always has to do with world politics. Tell me that’s a shock – no! This transit isn’t generally negative, but some might overstate things.

Mercury returns to Leo and don’t forget, it’s retrograde! On Friday, Mars squares Saturn, which is generally a negative and draining transit. Be careful how you approach others, as there is bound to be trouble in the lives of some. Remember that although this transit occurs precisely on August 15th and 16th, we will also feel this energy in the days leading up to it.

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Finally, Mercury squares Uranus on Saturday, bringing nervous irritability and the possibility of sudden and unexpected news. The Sun is also conjunct Mercury, which is considered somewhat self-centered and stubborn. This looks like an impending accident, so be careful.

All of this is merely the prelude to the powerful Full Moon in Aquarius, which occurs on August 19th and squares Uranus. This Moon will be unpredictable in our lives and on the world stage. Remember that while the Full Moon isn’t until Monday, the events surrounding it generally occur before the Full Moon’s peak, so you can expect a lot of that to play out this week.

In the week from August 12 to 18, 2024, these three zodiac signs will master the challenges of life.

1. Aquarius

Aquarius – rough weekly horoscope from 12 to 18 August 2024 KT Paper Designs, Olha ZS and Tais Bernabé | Canva

On Monday morning, you may feel like you’re not quite on top of things, and you may have a problem with someone you consider a partner, or it could happen at work. If you stay up late on Tuesday, something totally unexpected could happen to you on an emotional level, which could be related to personal life or work.

On Wednesday, things may get out of hand in the early afternoon and you may find yourself feeling quite frustrated or angry.

If you’re not frustrated enough by Thursday, there’s even more potential for an argument with a friend or lover that could last into the next day.

Until Friday, you’ll likely be feeling the effects of the upcoming Full Moon in your sign, and since it’s square Uranus, expect the unexpected, especially in regards to home and family or things that might affect what you consider fundamental in life.

Sunday may well bring unexpected news or something unexpected regarding a person who was being considered as a partner, and a person’s ego could make it worse. Proceed with caution if you have a partner and don’t want to experience a breakup.

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2. Lion

Leo - rough weekly horoscope from 12 to 18 August 2024 KT Paper Designs, Olha ZS and Tais Bernabé | Canva

Since you are the opposite sign of Aquarius, many of the things that occur with this sign also affect your horoscope.

On Monday, you may feel “out of balance,” which could affect something personal or your private life.

Tuesday morning may bring unexpected problems at work or at home. If you are awake until midnight, expect to be worried about a friend or a love interest. If this does not happen on Tuesday, expect something to go completely out of hand on Wednesday and leave you angry or hurt.

It looks like this could continue into Thursday and you could find yourself in a rage, and once again it will involve a friend, a love interest or some kind of group you are part of. Also remember, Leo, you are known for creating drama yourself

Saturday afternoon looks like things could get serious, and Sunday could bring unexpected news or announcements. Part of the problem could be the ego.

I advise you to ward off as much trouble as possible, because the full moon in Aquarius could, if you are not careful, bring about a breakup or even a separation.

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3. Scorpio

Scorpio – rough weekly horoscope from 12 to 18 August 2024 KT Paper Designs, Olha ZS and Tais Bernabé | Canva

You are somewhere between Leo and Aquarius and like them you are a fixed sign, so some of these powerful energies will hit you too. This week you may face problems related to secrets or money. Be careful not to let things get out of hand. By the weekend you may receive unexpected news or something unexpected could happen that affects someone’s ego.

We are in the powerful and unpredictable full moon energy that will affect our personal lives, our family members, or anything you consider fundamental. Try to tone things down as much as possible and let this full moon pass.

Most likely, there will be a problem with someone you consider a partner, either romantically or professionally. There is a very high chance that a relationship could end at this time, especially if there are problems and it is faltering. If your relationships are going well, there will still be a problem, but you should be able to resolve it with some effort.

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Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer Offer personal astrology readings worldwide.

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