
“The roar is back” at the Great Plains Zoo as Simba the lion arrives

“The roar is back” at the Great Plains Zoo as Simba the lion arrives

The king of the jungle has arrived.

Simba, a male African lion who has lived at the Detroit Zoo for over a decade, has now made his way to the Great Plains Zoo, the Sioux Falls facility announced on Memorial Day Monday. The transfer is thanks to a partnership between the Association of Zoos and Aquariums and the two zoos. It is the first time a lion has been at the zoo in 30 years.

“He will arrive at our zoo to acclimate to his new surroundings and care team,” Great Plains Zoo staff wrote in a Facebook post on May 10. “This process cannot be expedited as the welfare, safety and comfort of our animals is our top priority.”

More: The Great Plains Zoo has built a new lion enclosure to house its first big cat

According to The Detroit News, Simba, who once belonged to the royal family of Qatar, first came to the Detroit Zoo in October 2012.

The AZA recommended this step to support the sustainability of a healthy, genetically and demographically diverse lion population in zoos.

According to the World Wildlife FundAlthough the African lion is not currently threatened with extinction, it is considered “vulnerable” and there are estimated to be only 20,000 to 25,000 wild lions left.

More: Great Plains Zoo presents “transformative” vision for the next 15 years

“Transporting animals is a big task and we are so grateful to everyone who helped make Simba’s journey and arrival so smooth,” the zoo wrote on Facebook. “We are THRILLED that the Roar is back at the Great Plains Zoo.”

The Great Plains Zoo is also working with the AZA to bring a recommended lioness to the zoo as a possible mate for Simba. A date for the partner’s arrival has not yet been set, but before the two are exhibited together, they must first get used to their surroundings and to each other.

More: Great Plains Zoo begins construction of future home for Sioux Falls lions

A date when Simba will be available to the public has not yet been announced.

This article originally appeared in the Sioux Falls Argus Leader: ‘The roar is back’ at Great Plains Zoo as Simba the lion arrives

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