
Bites from ticks, celestial bodies and swimming pool water

Bites from ticks, celestial bodies and swimming pool water

– Bites from ticks, celestial bodies and swimming pool water

Day 5 of the All-Star Jungle Camp is marked by the ongoing feud between DJ Giulia Siegel (49) and “Goodbye Germany” actress Danni Büchner (46), which has split the camp into two rival camps. Where this dispute comes from is still unclear, but the latest episode of “I’m a Celebrity – Battle of the Jungle Legends” (now on RTL+, from tomorrow on linear TV) provides additional ammunition.

Reality star Mola Adebisi (51) and Kader Loth (51) start their day with a scavenger hunt and a fishing trip. Their goal? They have to prove their calm demeanor and their ability to communicate despite being blindfolded. There are six keys to be won, one of which opens a treasure chest. With limited vision, Adebisi has to use a long fishing rod to get objects out of a tank and then put them in a box, with Loth helping him. “Communication between a man and a woman is beautiful and challenging at the same time,” Adebisi remarks afterwards.

When the time is up, they insert three keys, including the correct one. Their triumph is greeted with applause as they carry the treasure chest back to camp. However, they and their fellow campers must answer a question: How many minutes are there in a week? A) 10,080 or B) 14,560? This question heats up the tension again. Siegel tries to solve the question by writing it in the sand, but the group quickly chooses answer B, resulting in an empty chest. “That was pure nonsense and collective pressure,” complains Siegel.

The next argument doesn’t take long to break out. “Love Island” winner Elena Miras (32) accuses Siegel of sharing her cigarettes with other residents and thus breaking the rules. Miras fears that she will have to forgo her luxury because of this. Siegel acknowledges the problem within the group, but later assures the camera: “I will make sure that no one notices anymore.”

In the fourth episode, Danni Büchner rearranges the roles and supposedly takes over Siegel’s position as camp cook. Loth and former “Germany’s Next Top Model” candidate Sarah Knappik (37) are now responsible for feeding the camp residents. Siegel watches disapprovingly from the sidelines with her allies Hanka Rackwitz (55) and Georgina Fleur (34) and comments on the cooking skills of her competitors. Knappik and Loth prepare a dish of crocodile foot, rice, zucchini, pineapple and fennel. Siegel remembers: “How could everything go wrong?”

The next day, there are disagreements in the group about fire protection, water procurement and other tasks. In the morning, Büchner hands over the baton as team leader to former footballer Thorsten Legat (55). Legat decides to reinstate Siegel as head chef, which annoys Büchner.

The constant bickering takes its toll on Georgina Fleur. She cries around the campfire and feels unappreciated and overlooked. However, after a heated argument with Adebisi, things seem to improve.

And Sarah also cries in conversation with Kader Loth and Danni Büchner when she talks about her “Germany’s Next Top Model” past and looks back on her life. She has mastered numerous challenges and is now “deeply grateful” – for the ups and downs.

Elena Miras is next to take a different path – one that leads upwards. In the “Vertical Ascent” jungle challenge, the 32-year-old has to overcome her fear of heights and encounters lizards, cockroaches and corn snakes on her search for stars. Meanwhile, team coach Thorsten Legat is being chased by snakes. The result: Elena’s tears, four out of twelve possible stars and a proud Thorsten, who is thrilled after his return to the camp.

Georgina bathes in boiling water, Gigi talks about his “religion of sex”

There are also strange moments between the conflicts of the campers in episode five. Georgina has discovered a strange custom in the camp: she steals cooking water from the fire and treats herself to a hot bath in the sink. “A brilliant idea,” says Hanka. “She stole my idea,” criticizes Giulia.

TV star Gigi Birofio (25) tries to set Hanka up with his Italian uncle. However, when the actress reveals that she now describes herself as asexual and has no interest in sex, Gigi is astonished and almost questions his beliefs: “That is my belief, Gigi’s three commandments: ‘Eat, sex, sleep.'”

Despite the ongoing arguments between Giulia and Danni, Mola and Kader manage to find keys on their scavenger hunt and fishing trip. However, their victory is short-lived when the group answers a question incorrectly, resulting in an empty treasure chest. The tension continues when Elena criticizes Giulia for sharing cigarettes, causing further arguments in the camp.

In an unusual turn of events, Georgina steals water to boil for a bath, causing discord among the campers, while Gigi’s attempt to set Hanka up with his uncle is met with an unexpected reaction when Hanka reveals her asexual identity, causing Gigi to briefly doubt.

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