
Tucker promises ‘epic’ day – Big Brother Network

Tucker promises ‘epic’ day – Big Brother Network

Tucker in the diary room at Big Brother 26 – CBS

Life is like a box of chocolates with Tucker in the Big Brother 26 house and today on the live feeds he promised us an “epic” day of joy. Of course, no one knows what that exactly means, aside from the usual chaos and uncertainty we expect from a HG like Tucker.

Speaking to Joseph on the feeds last night, Tucker outlined his plans for Monday and the upcoming Power of Veto meeting:

“Tomorrow I’m going to blow the roof off here,” says Tucker.

Joseph replies, “I can’t wait for the next show. Don’t tell me what you’re going to say so I can be surprised.”

“Tomorrow is going to be pretty damn epic,” promises Tucker.

Overall, we know Tucker wants to use his veto power, but he wants it to remain a surprise. He believes that by keeping Quinn on tenterhooks, he will build loyalty when Tucker announces his decision to save him and nominate Chelsie in his place. Uhh, I’m not so sure it works that way. Tucker seems to have this flexible mindset to forget, even if he doesn’t forget, in the sense that he knows this is a game. But Quinn? He knows this is a game, and he’ll double down on his position to pull it off because he’s committed to this game.

Tucker on Big Brother 26 – CBS

I imagine Tucker plans to reveal everything he can, and that probably involves Brooklyn. Brooklyn is his target, and he knows she has her F2 deals in the house. Whatever he has on her, I expect he’ll spill it later today at the Veto meeting. But will it really matter?

As much as this house likes to think it has secrets, it seems more like everyone eventually really knows what’s going on. HGs won’t be surprised to discover Brooklyn has other F2s, and they probably never took hers particularly seriously either since she carried so much weight. But funny feeds are funny feeds and we’ll see what happens next.

Keep an eye out for spoilers this afternoon and be ready to tune into your live feeds when the time comes. We expect the results around 1 p.m. PT (4 p.m. ET) and will see what happens with the aftermath of the veto meeting.

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