
After four years, Fortnite is finally back in the Apple Store

After four years, Fortnite is finally back in the Apple Store

Apple removed Fortnite from the iOS App Store back in August 2020. After a long and glorious legal battle between Apple and Epic Games, Fortnite is finally back on the App Store after four years. However, it is only available in the EU or European Union, and players who want to play Fortnite will need to download the Epic Games Store platform on their phones to be able to play the game. Here are all the details on Fortnite’s return to mobile.

Why was Fortnite removed from the Apple Store?

The problem started when Epic Games added its own payment system to Fortnite, creating a loophole to bypass Apple’s 30 percent share of transactions for in-game items or microtransactions. Apple removed Fortnite from its store as a result, and Epic Games retaliated with a lawsuit.

In their lengthy legal battle, Epic Games claimed that Apple and other tech giants like Google and even Steam had anti-competitive systems. They accused Apple of introducing inferior user interfaces in the installation process and more.

In the end, Apple won, but the judge ordered the company to give developers more freedom to help users pay for digital goods. This isn’t the last time Epic Games and Apple will feud. So why is Fortnite suddenly on the iOS App Store?

Related: How to get Doctor Doom in Fortnite

Fortnite returns to the iOS App Store in the EU

In March 2024, an EU law forced Apple to allow alternative stores in the EU. Epic Games pushed for its own platform to make it easier for users to access and shop on the store. With the law now in effect, Epic Games immediately brought Fortnite back to all EU devices.

Downloading Fortnite can be a little daunting at first because it’s not from the App Store. You’ll need to use the Safari browser and download the Epic Games Store Marketplace, which acts as an “app store” but is exclusive to all Epic Games. You’ll need to pass some verification checks from Apple and your device will need to have iOS 17.6 or later.

Once installed, open the Epic Games Store and search for all the games you want to play, including Fortnite. If you’re having trouble getting to this step, go to Settings and tap the banner that says “Allow Epic Games Marketplace.”

Install Fortnite and open the game!

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