
What is going on in the world today?

What is going on in the world today?

What is going on in the world today?

I am sure many of us would quickly think of an answer.

Many years ago, a prestigious London newspaper gave a prize to the person who wrote the best essay answering the question “What is going wrong in the world today?” The rule was: the shortest essay wins!

It wasn’t a difficult question, so there were a few entries and some excellent entries. One person said, “Communism is the root of everything that is wrong in the world today, and here’s why…” Another person said, “War is what is wrong in the world today, and here’s why…” And yet another person said, “War is what is wrong in the world today because…” and so on.

But a man named GK Chesterton won that contest. “What’s wrong with the world today?”

His answer: “I am.” There we have it. The shortest essay wins. Two words: “I am.”

Interestingly, all the other entries blamed external causes for all the bad things in the world, whereas Chesterton looked inward, not outward, and blamed himself alone.

To change the world, we must start within ourselves.
To improve the outside, we must start inside.
To reform the system, we must address the self.

A change is only sufficient if it is primarily a change of mind.

Jesus would agree, for he often preached, “The kingdom of God is within you…the kingdom of God is within you.”

By Father Jonathan B. Molina, pastor of Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Woodland

Originally published:

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