
Where in the world #855

Where in the world #855

Welcome to everyone who takes this photo quiz! The photos will help us relive memories and discover details that Walt’s Imagineers brought to everything we love about Walt Disney World!

And now challenge no. 854:

Where in the world #855

And here is the answer:

Where in the world #854
Where in the world #854

Flamingos, better known as greater flamingos, at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, including babies! In June 2024, they were the newest babies. They all have feet!

Fun fact: These flamingos are on a hidden Mickey Island. Did you know? Some of you did!

Andy Hickey: Telling people you saw a green deer (meaning a John Deere vehicle), LOL!

This week’s first winner is Tony Bivens! Congratulations to Tony and all of this week’s winners! Kiersten, F. Williams, MJ Gleckler, Karen Bellamy, Barry Gruber, Grumpy’s Groupies, Bonnie Jean, Janet T. Thorn, Stacy Sanders, The Wolfpack, Derek Schwab, Ted Flory, The Kuroly Family, Andy Hickey, The Leach Family, Karen Fichter, Carolyn Kelley, Nance Speth, Sandie Albrecht, The Kertes Family, Jairo Caso, Robert J. Ruch, Tina Harris, The Eckert Family, Jim Finley, Glenn and Nancy Motson, Theresa Lynch, Arlene Vicek, Les and Laura Whitten, Parker Lerdal, Lori and Neil Bowen, Sara Skiba, Blake Schmidt, Josh Weiss, J. Max Bryan, Sue and Ed Adams, Janet E. Petrocelli, Fred Terluin, Claire Gregory, Lou Bodofsky, Theresa Maradei, Linda Ranatza, John Gourley, Michael P. Weeman, Tom Patton, Brian Gallant, Bob Patterson, Cathy Connors, Kathryn Meyers, Jeremy Reichelt, Linda Hoffman, Ted Dastick Jr., Jodi Cook, Pavan Fam, the Patterson Family, Melody Odonnell, Dan M., Luis Rodriguez, Mis Jamie Marie, Barclay Bakkum, Donald Purney, Jamie Steiner, Tammy Cronin, Maddie Inman and Steve Knapp!


Challenge No. 855 for August 18, 2024:

Moving to another park.

Where in the world #855
Where in the world #855

Spoiler area (note below)






Tip: Need to get from Epcot to Disney’s Hollywood Studios? Or to the Boardwalk? You can always hop on one of these buses.

Do you know? Have a guess? Submit your answer by Thursday, August 22nd by clicking the blue box below. Please do not publish your answers in this blog post.

See you soon, players!

Click here to submit your response

Anyone who submits a correct answer to a “Where in the World” challenge this month will be entered into a drawing for special AllEars® goodies at the end of the month!

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