
10-year-old girl discovers dinosaur footprints on UK beach while walking

10-year-old girl discovers dinosaur footprints on UK beach while walking

A 10-year-old girl was strolling leisurely along a beach in the UK with her mother when she came across five giant footprints. Dinosaur experts say the footprints belong to a Camelot that roamed the area around 100 years ago.

Experts should verify the discovery

The huge prints were 75 cm apart and are believed to be from a large herbivore from the Late Triassic. Palaeontologists and National Museum Wales’s palaeontology curator Cindy Howells are working together to confirm this discovery and are convinced that the footprints are authentic.

Cindy Howells is an experienced dinosaur expert with 40 years of experience in the area. She was convinced that the footprints were authentic and belonged to dinosaurs. She told the BBC’s The Dinohunters that there were five footprints and that the prints were so large that they could have come from dinosaurs of the genus Sauropodomorpha.

Tegan finds the discovery exciting

Tegan, the 10-year-old girl, said it was so cool and exciting. She said: “We were just out there looking to see what we could find, but we didn’t think we would find anything. We found these big holes that looked like dinosaur footprints, so mum took some photos, emailed them to the museum and it was from a long-necked dinosaur.” This discovery was made on the coast of South Wales.

Claire, the mother of a 10-year-old girl, contacted Cindy by email just days after the discovery. She mentioned that dinosaur footprints had been found in the red siltstone at Lavernock Point.

Expert considers discovery to be “significant”

Cindy Howells said it was a unique and significant discovery and the excitement was palpable when they received information from people with confirmed dinosaur finds. Explaining the reason for her certainty, she said, “What is telling is the alternating left and right feet with a constant distance between them. If it were just random holes, we would be skeptical, but this pattern suggests deliberate walking.” She further said, “It’s hard to comprehend that you are walking on the same beach where a huge prehistoric animal was hundreds of millions of years ago. You can spend a lifetime looking for dinosaur treasures, so for Tegan at this age, it’s great,” she expressed her excitement about the discovery.

(With contributions from agencies)

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