
Mother tells how she cleverly divided her daughters’ room in half, but trolls think the smaller half would say “Harry Potter”

Mother tells how she cleverly divided her daughters’ room in half, but trolls think the smaller half would say “Harry Potter”

A mother has divided opinions after revealing how her husband divided her daughters’ room into two parts.

Scarlett said her six-year-old and one-year-old daughters shared a room until her father came up with the idea of ​​dividing the room into two parts so that each had their own space.

A mother has divided opinions when she showed how her husband divided her daughters' room into two


A mother has divided opinions when she showed how her husband divided her daughters’ room into twoSource: tiktok/@scarlett.sylvia
He had covered the top of the bunk bed with panels so that his youngest daughter could sleep on the bottom bunk.


He had covered the top of the bunk bed with panels so that his youngest daughter could sleep on the bottom bunk.Source: tiktok/@scarlett.sylvia
At the end of the lower bunk there was a door that divided the room into two parts.


At the end of the lower bunk there was a door that divided the room into two parts.Source: tiktok/@scarlett.sylvia
And then you could walk down the corridor to reach the next page


And then you could walk down the corridor to reach the next pageSource: tiktok/@scarlett.sylvia

In a video on TikTok, Scarlett showed how he cleverly used a bunk bed as a partition between the two “rooms.”

“He used the bunk bed that I think we bought online and put up some panels. He managed to fill in all the gaps, sand it down, paint it and make it look really good – almost like it’s a wall separating the two girls’ bedrooms.”

Scarlett showed the first side of the room with a lower bed for her youngest to sleep on, with the upper half of the bed paneled on one side.

There was also space for a tall drawer on this side.

Read more stories about parenting

The kids love their new rooms!

Mom Scarlett

At the foot of the bed was a door that led to the other side of the room, where they had set up a wardrobe, drawers, and a dressing table.

“She will sleep upstairs and still have her privacy as the two bedrooms are completely separate,” Scarlett said.

“We are so happy with it and she is very happy with it.

“I don’t think it’s any different than having a storage room.”

The side for her older daughter also had the advantage of having a large window.

“I just wanted to show you what my husband is up to,” Scarlett added in the video caption.

I live in a council housing building and renovated my son’s room for £60… the nicotine walls were transformed with a £15 purchase from B&Q

“He managed to cleverly separate the bedrooms of the girls, aged 1 and 6, with a bunk bed.

“And I’m IN LOVE!”

She added that the children also “love” their new rooms, but the one-year-old’s side is “not ready yet” and she still sleeps in a crib in her parents’ bedroom.

However, the comments section was almost immediately filled with trolls voicing their opinions about the new rooms.

“There would have been arguments if I were the youngest daughter,” wrote one.

“It’s in the hallway to the older daughter’s bedroom. No.”

“No, because why is one so beautifully decorated and the other looks like a storage room under a staircase?” asked another.

“Doesn’t even look like a bedroom!”

“The younger daughter’s bedroom has a Harry Potter feel – no wardrobe and no desk like the older one,” commented a third.

Bedtime tips for moms

IF YOU are tired of your toddler refusing to go to bed, then read on.

A child health expert has revealed the five steps you need to take to calm your child and help them get a good night’s sleep.

Dr. Kaylene Henderson spoke to Nine Honey about what to do when your toddler just won’t settle down at night.

Every child is different and needs different amounts of sleep depending on their age, but these simple steps can make evenings a little easier for parents.

Just like adults, children need enough time to relax before being put to bed.

One measure is to ensure that they have enough time to properly unwind after a busy day.

The expert recommends one to two hours to get toddlers used to bedtime.

And it’s just as important that parents take the time to calm down and be more present to help their toddlers feel calmer.

Dr. Henderson explains: “Our children are ultimately like barometers of the tensions in the household.

“If we want our children to rest, we must make an effort to disconnect from our phones, our work emails and the many other distractions that vie for our attention.”

We’ve all been told to turn off our screens before bed because the blue light prevents our brains from producing melatonin, our body’s sleep hormone.

To ensure that children have a restful sleep, the expert recommends turning off the device 60 to 90 minutes before going to bed.

Music and meditation can also help to take your child into the land of dreams, says the expert.

She adds that slow music, around 60 beats per minute, can improve her breathing, heart rate and brain waves and relax her muscles.

“There are also beautiful guided meditations specifically designed to help young children fall asleep.

“Headspace for Kids has a dedicated sleep section tailored to three age groups: five and under, six to eight, and nine to 12—and you can try it for free,” she adds.

Finally, Dr. Henderson recommends following a specific bedtime routine each night to help your toddler fall asleep more easily.

When children know what to expect every evening, they can relax more easily and, of course, fall asleep.

One of the best ways to do this is with a bedtime story.

She adds: “Remember, the goal is to get our little ones used to sleep, so bedtime stories are often the perfect tool in the perfect place.”

To which Scarlett hilariously replied, “My one-year-old has a wardrobe, but when I asked her if she wanted a desk to write at, she said no… weird that a one-year-old would turn that down, I think.

“Baby Potter likes to be unruly!”

Scarlett also revealed in the comments that the room-sharing arrangement was a “temporary” solution as they would be moving when their youngest child was two and a half years old.

“It’s like Harry Potter,” someone else sighed.

“Growing up I had a windowless bedroom, totally depressing,” wrote another.

Someone else commented: “My family did this to my room when I was little. I was the youngest and I really resented my big sister. It was like I was an outsider.”

“I had no window, it was horrible.”

“One has natural light, the second is a Harry Potter-themed room,” agreed another.

Others defended Scarlett and her husband, insisting that they had made excellent use of the available space.

Doesn’t even look like a bedroom!

TikTok commentator

“This looks and feels great! The comments are ridiculous,” one wrote.

“It’s about your own space, not the size.”

“You did a great job…giving them their own private space…WELL DONE…” agreed another.

“Sooo many negative comments from other moms, it’s unbelievable,” said a third.

“Well done, it looks great – better than what many children need to sleep.

“If your girls are happy, that’s the main thing!”

“I’m shocked by some of these comments! But thank you,” Scarlett replied.

“Oh my goodness, this negative news, it’s unbelievable!” wrote another.

“I think it’s great, you’re all happy, that’s all that matters, well done dad!”

“This is a great idea! So well thought out and clever,” said another.

“Two very lucky children to have such nice rooms.”

Someone else praised the parents, saying: “This is brilliant. I love how clever people are with space these days.”

Her eldest daughter had the top bunk and plenty of storage space in the form of a wardrobe and drawers.


Her eldest daughter had the top bunk and plenty of storage space in the form of a wardrobe and drawers.Source: tiktok/@scarlett.sylvia
Scarlett showed the new look of the room in the video


Scarlett showed the new look of the room in the videoSource: tiktok/@scarlett.sylvia
There was even room for a small desk where she could sit and do her homework or draw something.


There was even room for a small desk where she could sit and do her homework or draw something.Source: tiktok/@scarlett.sylvia
However, some people argued in the comments section that it was unfair that the older daughter had so much more space than her sister


However, some people argued in the comments section that it was unfair that the older daughter had so much more space than her sisterSource: tiktok/@scarlett.sylvia

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