
Letters: It’s still “the same old nonsense”

Letters: It’s still “the same old nonsense”


It’s still the same old nonsense

In response to the August 8 article on agri-resorts (“Agri-resort proposal could shape corridor’s future”), I have to agree with Mr. McAuliff’s conclusion that the claim that this development will generate tax revenue and jobs is the same old nonsense.

While there may be some revenue, the jobs that will be created will be low-paying. The vast majority of these workers will not be able to afford to live in the community they work in. This, in turn, will create another false demand for the creation of affordable housing (subsidized by taxpayers). If these large corporations’ luxury resorts are actually built, which seems inevitable since the Riverhead Town Council unanimously approved a rezoning (resolution) for the area, demands will have to be made. All workers must work full time and receive union wages and health insurance. Perhaps then our children can earn a living wage and live in their community for life.

I would much rather the North Fork remained the agricultural paradise that it is, but if changes have to be made, they should not come at the expense of taxpayers and line the pockets of large corporations.

Noreen Fahey


Greetings to Mott’s

Living in a small community is a great advantage when you respond to a call for help immediately and in a friendly manner. This was the case last week in the Cutchogue-New Suffolk Park District when a storm broke the American flag line and the flag was stuck at the top of the pole. The flag was torn and caught at the top of the pole. Despite several attempts by several people, we were unable to pull the flag down and rectify the situation.

Several calls were made and Ian from Mott’s Tree Service responded very quickly. Luis was dispatched and arrived with a cherry picker around 5pm on Friday when we had high winds. Without hesitation he climbed into the cherry picker, pulled himself up to the top of the mast, managed to cut the old flag line, retrieved the torn flag and installed a new one. Luis accomplished this feat all by himself.

Thank you, Ian, Luis and Mott’s Tree Service, for your above-average commitment to your community.

Dave Bergen

Chairman, Board of Commissioners Cutchogue-New Suffolk Park District


Let’s approve a water quality bond

The people of Greenport have a right to financial support for water quality protection projects. The people of Southold Town have a right to protect farmland and open space – something we all voted for when we voted for the Community Preservation Fund. The fund is designed to benefit the entire town, including the village, by protecting farmland and open space – which, by the way, is an effective way to protect water quality.

Why not approve a bond? I agree with Russ McCall: the only tool we have to preserve our farming communities is CPF, and it is a sacred asset. We have ways to fund water quality projects, such as through bond money. Let’s put the question before voters as a ballot measure so we can all give our approval.

Why not show the public a plan to address all of the water quality problems in Greenport Village? Prioritize the plan and show the public where the most pressing problems are. There are five times more lawns than farmland on the East End, and we know that lawns are a large contributor to pollution in our estuary. Why not get creative and offer incentives for estuary-friendly gardens?

Southold cannot afford to slow down its preservation efforts – developers are knocking on our door. We taxpayers cannot afford the increased demand for services, and we do not want traffic congestion or overcrowding. A little-known fact is that farms, forests and open space generate more local tax revenue than they need to pay for services, according to the American Farmland Trust – while residential development is a net burden.

Let’s look at the village’s plan to address water quality problems and vote for a bond.

Tom Morgan


Why Trump?

Simple. America needs lower taxes, prioritized spending, fewer regulations, internal economic growth, a strong military, a strong border, and an unbiased foreign policy, to name a few.

The other candidates want exactly the opposite. I understand the reluctance to vote for Trump. But what is that based on? Nothing other than his personality and a hostile portrayal in the media.

Didn’t he keep inflation under control, cut taxes, bring about the Abraham Accords, point out which country paid the most for NATO, work to end illegal border crossings, and stop congressional initiatives to change Social Security and Medicare? Well, yes, he did!

Less government always means more freedom. Trump believes that, as it is written in our Constitution. Harris and Walz believe in authoritarian government through laws and regulations. One only has to look at the Biden-Harris administration and its failed policies to get an idea of ​​what it will bring to the nation.

Why Trump? Because he showed what freedom can do when you let it loose on people.

Bob Bittner


Who is too radical?

From what I have read and heard, it seems certain that the Trump-Vance campaign team will attack the newly formed Harris-Walz ticket as “too radical” for the American public.

Really? Just look at the latter’s stance on some important issues like healthcare, climate, foreign relations and alliances, reproductive rights and gun control. Compare that to Project 2025 and the pronouncements of the Trump/Vance team!

A May 2024 poll shows that 62% of Americans have a favorable opinion of the Affordable Care Act. A 2023 CNN poll shows that 64% of Americans support stricter gun controls and 74% support proposals to prevent sales to people with criminal convictions and mental health issues, while 80% want to ban sales to people under 21. A 2022 NPR/PBS/Marist poll shows that 64% of Americans oppose the repeal of Roe v. Wade. A February 2024 Gallup poll shows that 67% of Americans support the U.S. remaining in NATO. Who doesn’t support school lunches for all students? The American people support these and other Democratic Party positions.

Look at the real issues and decide who is mainstream and who is radical! And don’t forget that Trump keeps declaring that if he is elected, people won’t have to vote anymore.

Philip Wasilausky

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