
Amaya Hill will experience a game day for eternity at West Point

Amaya Hill will experience a game day for eternity at West Point

Riverdale, New York (State) As the Manhattan women’s soccer team prepares for a trip to West Point on Sunday, Amaya Hills is preparing for a bittersweet visit home – literally. As the second daughter of Colonel Aaron Hill, Amaya has lived on the West Point campus for the past seven years and is proud of her military upbringing.

“I was actually born in Virginia,” Amaya said. “We moved to West Point when I was very young, and then we lived in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, then Austin, Texas, and then we moved back to West Point.”

Colonel Hill spent 27 years in active military service Service after graduating from the United States Military Academy and being commissioned as an engineer officer in 1997. He was deployed to Bosnia, Croatia, Afghanistan, and the Sinai Peninsula during his career. with a prestigious engineering credential that includes two Master’s degrees and a Ph.D. in civil engineeringroat the University of Texas at Austin. He is currently working ast Deputy Chief of Department in the Army’s Civil and Mechanical Engineering (CME) Department.

“There is always something I will be proud that my father served,” Amaya said.

Amaya will do her best to make Sunday feel like a normal day, although numerous family members and friends will be there to support her. Amaya’s fan base consists of her parents, her two siblings, her grandparents and a number of local friends, including former teammates from James I. O’Neill High School.

Amaya’s high school coach, Kristen Stroppel Leska 02′ was a standout player for the Jaspers from 1999 to 2002 and ranks second in program history in assists (18).

“From the first day she stepped on the field, she constantly showed dedication, heart and determination and it was great to talk to her about Manhattan,” Kristen said. “She would joke and say, ‘Coach, maybe I’ll go there to break your records.’ I would say if there was one person I would want to be there, it would be her.”

Amaya has had to battle through injuries to get back to full-time play, including playing 52 minutes in Thursday night’s season opener at Fordham. She missed all of last year due to recurring knee injuries and before that had to undergo knee surgery that sidelined her during her senior year of high school. Aaron praised his daughter for the “grittiness” she has shown despite all of the injury problems.

“What I’m really proud of is that she showed so much grit, and that’s what we see in our cadets here,” Aaron said. “Amaya grew up around cadets and saw what they go through. She appreciates that, and it shows in her character.”

Aaron and his wife Diana, who serves as the Annual Giving Officer for the West Point Association of Graduates, are immensely proud of Amaya and what she stands for. Besides Amaya, they have a daughter, Alyssa, and a son, Aaron.

The military culture and Amaya has not failed to appreciate the respect it deserves.

“The West Point honor code is I will not lie, cheat or steal, nor will I tolerate anyone doing that,” Amaya said. “It’s so important across campus, and those values ​​were definitely instilled in me… It’s a lot different growing up on a military base because everything is so small and everyone knows what’s going on. You just always have to make sure you’re doing the right thing.”

Amaya says her parents have been texting her nonstop since the announcement of the Jaspers game at West Point. Amaya calls it a “full circle” when she returns to West Point. Amaya’s pregame routine will be her habit of walking around the field with headphones in hopes of blocking out some of the noise around her. Harry Styles will be blaring as she prepares for another game in her Manhattan career.

But once the Star Spangled Banner music starts at Malek Stadium, the Hill family’s emotions will really run high.

“It always feels different because my dad was deployed and served this country for so long,” Amaya said of hearing the national anthem. “Hearing it on the West Point field will definitely be an emotional experience.”

“I’m going to cry while watching Finding Nemo,” Aaron joked. “I’m just a proud dad and I’m going to cry tomorrow.”

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