
Kamala Harris’ price control plan from day one is met with skepticism by conservatives: “They spent three and a half years raising prices”

Kamala Harris’ price control plan from day one is met with skepticism by conservatives: “They spent three and a half years raising prices”

Vice President Kamala Harris confronted Game for their recent promise, rising prices on the “first day” of her potential presidency. In a social media post on Thursday evening, Harris said: “When I am president, it will be a Day one The priority is to reduce prices. I will take action against large corporations that engage in illegal price gouging and against corporate landlords who unfairly increase rents for working-class families.”

criticism have Harris’ track record in tackling inflationand pointed out that she has been part of the current administration for almost four years. Senator Ted Cruz (Republican of Texas) asked pointedly: “What have you been doing for the last four years?”

Collin Rugg, co-owner of Trending Politics, questioned the timing of Harris’s pledge: “Day 1 for you was 3.5 years ago. What are you talking about?”

Jim Treacher, a Substacker, echoed the skepticism: “‘Day one.’ We’re supposed to vote for them because we’ve been supposed to act like it never happened for the last four years.”

Columnist Jon Gabriel criticized Harris’ approach, writing: “They’ve spent three and a half years raising prices.”

Conservative author Libby Emmons criticized Harris’ plan to impose price controls, saying: “Kamala Harris wants Price controls in key areas such as food and housing, just like in socialist countries. And then it wants to make it harder for large corporations to create new jobs by eliminating tax breaks and investment incentives in the US.”

Virginia Kruta, another conservative author, warned of potential negative impacts on smaller businesses: “If you run a small grocery store or own a rental home/building, you’re screwed, and she doesn’t care. If she imposes price controls on larger chain stores and landlords, they will be forced to charge less than the small ones, and the small ones will lose.”

Strategist Yossi Gestetner noted the contradiction in Harris’ position and explained: “You are Vice President now. Your first day was almost 4 years ago. You are running simultaneously as the current Vice President and against the administration you are Vice President of. Price controls reduce incentives to produce, which saves supply and leaves more people with less. Brilliant.”

Conservative commentator Paul Szypula argued that Harris is partly responsible for the current economic problems: “Kamala Harris has been vice president for four years and has allowed prices to rise by an average of 20 percent. Prices are high because inflation is high. Harris cast her vote to make it that way.”

Financial and cultural commentator Wall Street Silver criticized the viability of this policy, stating, “Price controls failed in the 1970s when Nixon tried them. Companies are cutting production because they cannot make a profit at the prices set by the government. This is causing shortages as companies respond to government controls. Kamala is a socialist and will turn us into Venezuela.”

Harris revealed them Economic plan During a speech in Raleigh, North Carolina, she said, “If elected president, I will make it my top priority to reduce costs and increase economic security for all Americans. As president, I will address the high costs that matter most to most Americans, like the cost of food.” While acknowledging the impact of the pandemic on prices, she added, “Our supply chains have since improved, and prices are still too high.”
Harris concluded her speech by addressing business practices, saying, “I know most companies are creating jobs, contributing to our economy and playing by the rules, but some are not, and that’s just not right. If that’s the case, we need to take action.”

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