
Seven-year-old wins cake contest at Texas State Fair

Seven-year-old wins cake contest at Texas State Fair

At just seven years old, Allen Gage of Mabank, Texas, became the youngest winner of the Battle for the Blue Ribbons, beating all adults with his blueberry pie.

In the fruit pie category, Allen’s blueberry pie impressed judges and earned him a spot in the prestigious “Best of Show” competition at the State Fair in October. The young baker, who learned his skills from his mother and grandmother, attributes his success to his careful lattice crust, which he calls “painting the pie.”

When the judges announced the winner, Gage’s mother Roseanne Parsons, she walked with Gage to the awards ribbon. She remembered the audience’s reaction.

“When people realized he won, not me, they started clapping and cheering,” Parsons told Fox News. “Everyone was giving him high fives and fist bumps. It was super cool.”

The State Fair’s Battle for the Blue Ribbons began in 2023, with Gage competing against about 240 other pie bakers. According to the Dallas Morning News, Gage is one of about 50 children ages 11 or younger who have competed over the past two years.

Gage’s journey began at the Kaufman County Fair, where he baked a cake with his grandmother and was named “Grand Champion.” His cake then sold for $725.

Parsons says Gage is an active child and enjoys many things besides baking.

“He plays football and soccer and loves our neighbor’s zip line. He also loves the water park and roller coasters, fishing, swimming and biking,” she said.

If he wins Best of Show, Allen will receive $200, a purple ribbon, and his recipe will be published in the State Fair of Texas cookbook.

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