
“Jungle Camp” escalates at record speed – no sign of the Swiss woman

“Jungle Camp” escalates at record speed – no sign of the Swiss woman

The start of the summer jungle camp did not go smoothly - there was immediate riots.
The start of the summer jungle camp did not go smoothly – there was immediate riots.


RTL lets ex-campers return to their television wilderness. They do what they are told – escalation at record speed. One camper seems particularly conspicuous. And the Swiss candidate arrives too late.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • The “Jungle Camp” is back with a special edition: To mark an anniversary, former participants are moving into the camp.
  • One of them is the Swiss actress Elena Miras.
  • But there is no trace of the reality TV actress in the first episode.
  • Another camper causes a stir right from the start. The audience gets what it wants – escalation at record speed.

Absurd gaps in knowledge, shortness of breath due to a waterbuck penis and a full-blown rebellion against the bosses: The RTL jungle camp is back on the screen.

The first episode of the new season, which appeared on Thursday on the streaming service RTL+, was, as usual, emotional and loud.

At the center of the bickering, tears and shouting: former “Cologne 50667” actor David Ortega, who accused his fellow campers of bullying (“You are such a disgrace!”). They retaliated with a kind of civil uprising against the 38-year-old bearded man.

So far, only twelve celebrities have made it to the jungle camp instead of the announced 13: Reality candidate Elena Miras (32), who can already be seen as a participant in the trailer for the special season, has not yet reported. According to, she will only join the jungle troop later as a surprise. Will that annoy some people?

Sonja Zietlow was also the sole presenter for large parts of the show. Co-presenter Jan Köppen had a fever at the time of recording and had to rest.

Only “legends” are included in the special edition

But first things first: The new season is not a regular edition of the reality show, but a special edition. The occasion is the 20th anniversary of the show, which was first broadcast in 2004.

A lot is different this time. RTL is not broadcasting the format at the beginning of the year, but in the summer. The setting is not Australia, but South Africa. The show is not live, but pre-recorded. And: The campers who are taking part are all the same as those who have appeared in previous seasons. “Legends,” as RTL calls them.

People like presenter Giulia Siegel (49), actor Winfried Glatzeder (79), former footballer Thorsten Legat (55) and reality star Gigi Birofio (25) are therefore fighting for food and dignity.

And David Ortega, who was eliminated early in his 2016 season and looks strikingly different today than he did then. His once curly short hair has given way to a fluffy mane and a druid beard.

Kader Loth is annoyed

Just as striking as the change in personality is his behavior in the camp shortly after moving in. Early in the morning, for example, he sits next to a toilet paper roll by the campfire and talks about children’s TV shows and leopards. He suddenly asks reality veteran Kader Loth (51) whether she was born in Germany. She answers sleepily and annoyed: “I don’t even know where I am right now!” A prelude to greater discord.

Inexplicably, Ortega is then appointed team manager. This is not an honorary position, but is generally understood as legislative power, since the team leader organizes the jungle camp.

This increase in power, coupled with existing scepticism among colleagues (Gigi: “He’s a bit scary. I don’t want him to come in at night and I’m sleeping”) escalates.

As is often the case, the argument is sparked by the topic of veganism. During the first big joint test, the campers once again have to choke down all sorts of disgusting things. While Sarah Knappik (37) downs several glasses of pureed goat stomach and then looks as if she’s come from a zombie film casting with her mouth covered in blood, Ortega refuses. Instead, he refers to the Ten Commandments.

“Shame on you all!”

He then had the feeling that his fellow campaigners were “not taking veganism seriously”. The man, who in his introduction still describes himself as a “great peace politician”, shouts at his fellow campaigners: “Shame on you all!”

The result: A spontaneous plenary session is called and Ortega is removed as team leader. Mola Adebisi (51) is supposed to deliver the news and starts the conversation like a department head who has to send someone out the door with a seminar on non-violent communication behind him. He says to Ortega: “You also need a general update.” He does not succeed in calming the argument.

If all of this is too conflict-laden for you, you can also find amusement in the jungle, including from reality star Gigi Birofio, who fails to smuggle cigarettes into the camp in his pants – close to his bottom. However, he shows what the body part is capable of a little later when he flaps noisily in front of presenter Sonja Zietlow. This reminds knowledgeable jungle viewers of a scene from his 2023 season. The term “jungle legend” has many shades.

Shortness of breath due to waterbuck penis

Meanwhile, the always highly motivated ex-footballer Thorsten Legat experiences a dramatic moment: During the food test, he munches concentratedly on a chopped waterbuck penis – shortly afterwards he turns red.

Several campers and presenter Sonja Zietlow rush over to pat Legat on the shoulder. “I couldn’t breathe,” explains the visibly shaken ex-footballer when the situation has been resolved. The disgusting food had stuck.

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