
Patagonia Public Schools introduces four-day school week

Patagonia Public Schools introduces four-day school week

TUCSON, Arizona (13 News) – While most schools in southern Arizona are in session on Friday, the hallways in Patagonia Public Schools are quiet and the desks empty.

Superintendent Kenny Hayes said student success was partly responsible for the decision to switch to four days of instruction.

“On Fridays, kids were spending more time on the bus than in school, so it was important to us to reduce the time on the bus a little bit so they could focus on their homework and other things they could do,” Hayes said.

Before the change, Friday was a half-day for the district. The time lost there now means the rest of the week starts later and breaks are shorter. But Hayes said it ensures no instructional time is lost.

“On Fridays they had a lot of sports and stuff, so they missed class anyway. We try to move all of our long travel days to Fridays so they don’t miss anything. There are supplemental activities they can do on Fridays,” Hayes said.

Yaritza Cortez, mother of Patagonia, said she is already seeing the benefits of the shorter week for her child.

“I think he’s doing great. Compared to last year when it was only five days, he seems to enjoy going to school more now than in previous years,” Cortez said.

While the school district and parents already see this as a benefit for students, it could also be beneficial for current and future teachers.

“It’s difficult to find highly qualified teachers in rural communities,” Hayes said.

Hayes added that he believes a shorter week and shorter commute times could encourage teachers to work for Patagonia.

“It’s difficult to get quality teachers. We have a good group of teachers and it’s important to keep them happy. And when we need a spot, we have something that no other school district can offer people,” Hayes said.

Cortez believes that all districts should address this issue.

“I think it would be much better for our state if everyone had a four-day week,” Cortez said.

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