
Harris County commissioners propose tax increase for flood protection

Harris County commissioners propose tax increase for flood protection

The $2.6 billion budget proposal approved by the Harris County Commission calls for a tax increase for flood protection.

Years after taxpayers approved spending billions on flood protection measures in response to flooding from Hurricane Harvey, the county’s flood control district now says it needs more money to keep those improvements in good condition.

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Harris County Second District Commissioner Adrian Garcia compares it to owning a brand new car.

“You can’t buy a new car without changing the tires and the oil. You have to maintain a brand new car to get the most out of it,” he says. “That’s the same thing we’re talking about here. All the infrastructure we’ve provided and the improvements we’re making have to be maintained.”

The proposed tax rate increase would increase the average property owner’s tax burden by about $60 and free up about $115 million that could be spent on maintenance and new flood protection measures.

After several public hearings, Garcia expects the proposal to be ready next month and on the ballot in November.

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