
Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone feared God. Her life changed

Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone feared God. Her life changed

Published: August 16, 2024

Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone feared God. Her life changed
Photo by Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone’s Instagram

Olympic star scared God. It changed her life

By Movieguide® Contributor

Four-time Olympic gold medalist Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone shares how her outlook on life changed when she surrendered her feelings to God.

“You know, those emotions ate me up for so long because I was afraid that my results were tied to my personality and my identity,” McLaughlin-Levrone said of emotions that once prevented her from running at an elite level. “You know, my worth was determined by whether I was a winner or not and so on, so I had a lot of fear over the years.”

“But you know, Christ was kind and helped me break free from that and allowed me to walk in faith and run in this case. But those feelings can definitely lead to dark places if they don’t have a foundation,” she explained.

Podcast host and author Jennie Allen asked the athlete what it was like for her to “run from fear to faith.”

“It really looked like I was surrendering my life to the Lord,” McLaughlin-Levrone said. “The Lord was kind enough to reveal Himself to me through the gospel, being a renewed creation and setting the mind on the things that are above, as it says in Colossians 3. The Word really washed me clean of many of these thoughts, feelings and emotions that I had, and it is now my resource for overcoming my fear.”

Since giving her fear to Christ, McLaughlin-Levrone has not shied away from using her platform to spread the Good News.

Movieguide recently reported:

In an interview with Fit For The King, the athletics star talked about how she balances physical training with mental training.

“Now more than ever, but I think I grew up with the idea of ​​perseverance, working toward a goal, getting better and learning every day. I truly believe that this aligns so well with my walk with God and my desire to hear the words, ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant,'” she began.

McLaughlin-Levrone then quoted 1 Corinthians 10:31, which says, “Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

“I think that’s what motivates me now in my running. I don’t think I was so aware of that when I was younger, but I think the two go together so well, and I can really see God in my running and in my performances,” McLaughlin-Levrone said.

Their success at the 2024 Olympics was just another opportunity to praise God.

She took home two gold medals: one for her world record in the 400-meter hurdles and another for the women’s 4×400-meter relay.

“It never ceases to amaze me how powerful He is in helping those who trust in Him overcome their inner struggles,” McLaughlin-Levrone posted. “His word is sufficient, His promises stand, and all the glory is His. 🙏🏽🙌🏽❤️ At the end of the day, it’s MUCH more than gold.”



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