
Marathon-running bishop supports largest pro-life running event

Marathon-running bishop supports largest pro-life running event

CV NEWS FEED // Bishop Thomas John Paprocki, the marathon-running bishop of the Diocese of Springfield, Illinois, is rallying support for the largest pro-life running event in the country, the LIFE Runners A-Cross America Relay.

Bishop Paprocki, who serves as chaplain to the LIFE Runners team, expressed his full support for the event in an August 15 statement shared by LIFE Runners President and Founder Dr. Pat Castle.

“I offer my encouragement, support and prayers to all participants in the A-Cross America Relay for Pro-Life,” said Bishop Paprocki. “May God bless you and make your legs fast and strong!”

Bishop Paprocki, an avid long-distance runner, is the author of “Running for a Higher Purpose: 8 Steps to Spiritual and Physical Fitness.” According to a Springfield Diocese website about his book, Bishop Paprocki began running as a teenager and completed his first marathon at age 40. Through his running career, he learned important connections between the spiritual life and maintaining physical health.

As CatholicVote previously reported, the A-Cross America Relay will take place from September 6 to October 19. Participants will run 5,183 miles across the United States wearing a jersey that reads “REMEMBER The Unborn.”

LIFE Runners invites participants from around the world to walk or run 5Ks, either on the designated relay course or elsewhere, in a shared effort to support the pro-life mission. The event’s routes run across America, with designated teams running from the North, South, East and West.

The event was supported by several sponsors, including the Archdiocese of San Francisco, EWTN and the Thomas More Society.

Bishop Joe Coffey of the Military Archdiocese of the United States was also enthusiastic about the relay race and pointed out in the press release of August 15 that he would run some of the stages himself.

“I want to encourage everyone to come out and have fun for another incredible A-Cross America Relay. I look forward to seeing you out there celebrating life and remembering the unborn,” he said.

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