
West Nile virus concerns spread after Davis County samples test positive

West Nile virus concerns spread after Davis County samples test positive

KAYSVILLE — Concerns about West Nile virus have increased after positive results were shown in more than 40 test pools – groups of captured mosquitoes – in Davis County.

The next wave of flood mosquitoes that experts are worried about are not the mosquitoes that carry the virus — but they are a nuisance. The Davis Mosquito Abatement District is busier than most years, trying to keep up with the surge, including by spraying wetlands.

A busy season was expected due to the heavy water flow and the ongoing heat wave in Utah. These two factors usually lead to lots of mosquitoes and therefore an active summer.

While staff try to get a good sample of the situation, Director Gary Hatch said more testing is being done in Davis County than anywhere else in the state. No human cases have been reported so far, but the virus has returned in 39 of 3,000 pools.

“We could see our Culex tarsalis numbers really rising well above normal, and with the heat that came in June and late July, we could see that it could potentially be a big virus year for us,” he said. “Thirty-nine pools at this time of year is a lot.”

During the monsoon season, teams take a proactive approach and cover as much wetland as possible.

Hatch said homeowners also need to do their part; even though flood mosquitoes don’t carry West Nile virus, they can still be a major nuisance.

“With all this rain, be sure to check for standing water around your house… Make sure there are no buckets, tubs, wheelbarrows, paddling pools and the like sitting around collecting water.”

Hatch knows more flood mosquitoes are coming.

“This is the light brown Aedes dorsalis. This is a light brown mosquito that bites all day long. In about 10 to 12 days we will see a sharp increase in these mosquitoes.”

We need to be prepared for this increase. As long as summer temperatures remain high, the insects will stay.

“When you add to that the heat, the lots of water and the mosquitoes, the virus really becomes more intense and quite active.”

However, mosquitoes that carry West Nile virus typically bite after dark, so if you’re outside at that time, Hatch recommends wearing long sleeves and long pants, as well as insect repellent, especially after sunset.

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