
Revitalization of the old town of Kern planned, including Narducci’s

Revitalization of the old town of Kern planned, including Narducci’s

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KERO) — On Wednesday, the city approved an agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates Inc. for renderings and plans to improve the Old Town Kern area. Part of the plan is to reopen classic landmarks like Narducci’s.

  • An information booth will be set up at the Village Fest on September 7. This is the first of three planned community meetings about the project.

“This building has been here in town my entire life,” said James Narducci, owner of the classic Narducci’s Cafe in Old Town Kern.

Narducci’s is just one of the spots in Old Town Kern that the city is planning to revitalize. It’s all thanks to an Economic Opportunity Grant from the city that is providing over $170,000 to bring the former hotel back into operation.

However, these efforts extend beyond those of Narducci.

“Many of our origin stories began here,” said Vice Mayor Andrae Gonzales.

On Wednesday, the city approved an agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates Inc. for renderings and plans to improve the area. Components of the proposed revitalization plan include improved sidewalks and curb extensions, improved landscaping and improved housing and retail investments.

In addition, a large part of the plan also focuses on preserving the region’s most historically significant and unique infrastructure.

“Historic preservation is a key element and actually benefits us when we talk about revitalization work,” Gonzales said. “Take the Sumner Depot Station, there’s nothing like it in this country.”

Gonzales said he envisions turning the Sumner Depot Station into an active market for Old Town Kern, creating more economic opportunities and attracting more customers.

“People start at Luigi’s, then walk to Narducci’s, then to Pyrenees, then to Wool Growers,” he said. “That’s what we’ve seen over the past few years: People are enjoying this neighborhood.”

Although the plan is approved, the project still has a long way to go, but residents can actually take an active role in the development. An information booth will be set up at Village Fest on September 7. This will be the first of three planned town hall meetings for the project.

As for Narducci’s, James said he hopes they can complete the necessary work and reopen by Thanksgiving.

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