
Antisemitic incidents to rise in UK in first half of 2024, says charity | Antisemitism

Antisemitic incidents to rise in UK in first half of 2024, says charity | Antisemitism

According to a leading Jewish charity, anti-Semitic incidents in the UK more than doubled in the first half of 2024 compared to the same period last year, citing the war in the Gaza Strip as the reason.

The total number of incidents recorded in the first six months of this year was 1,978. The comparable figure for 2023 was 964.

The Community Security Trust (CST), which monitors anti-Semitism and ensures the safety of Jewish communities in Britain, said the figures were unprecedented and shocking.

“This is a hatred that, while deeply rooted, adapts to current social, political and cultural contexts. The most common form of political or ideological discourse in the anti-Semitic incidents reported to the CST in the first half of 2024, in addition to anti-Jewish language or targeting, referred to or was related to Israel, Gaza, the Hamas terrorist attack or the subsequent war,” the CST said.

More than seven out of ten incidents recorded by the CST contained evidence of “political or ideological rhetoric or motivations.”

A record number of anti-Semitic incidents involved students, school staff or school property. The total of 162 incidents is more than double the number of incidents during the same period last year.

The CST also recorded a sharp increase in anti-Jewish hate incidents on university campuses and other institutions of higher education – more than five times the previous year’s number.

The report states: “One reason the number of incidents remained so high for so long after October 7 is that this war has lasted longer than any previous conflict in Israel and Gaza and has therefore attracted public attention and scrutiny for a longer period of time.

“Images of death and destruction continue to circulate in mainstream and social media, and anti-Israel protests and vigils for the hostages kidnapped by Hamas continue.”

This has led to “increased feelings of insecurity and fear among the Jewish population, who know they could become targets of hostility towards Israel,” the CST added.

In the category of physical assault, the aid organization recorded 121 incidents, an increase of 41% compared to the first half of 2023. Cases of damage and desecration of Jewish property increased by 246%.

There were 142 incidents in the “threats” category and 1,618 incidents in the “insults” category.

Most of the incidents occurred in the London and Manchester areas, where the UK’s largest Jewish communities are located, but incidents also occurred in other places, including Brighton, Cambridge, Oxford and Birmingham.

Mark Gardner, chief executive of the CST, said: “The shameful rise in British anti-Semitism is made even clearer by these latest figures. It can be found everywhere in society, including in schools, on campuses, in the workplace, on public transport and on the streets.

“The CST applauds our community’s ever-growing determination to remain strong and proud despite the hate, vilification and blatant double standards we all too often face, including from many who paradoxically call themselves anti-racists.”

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said: “The level of anti-Semitic hatred described in this report is truly appalling and we must never let up in our work to eradicate this hatred in all its forms.”

“There is no place for this vile hatred in Britain and we are absolutely clear that those who spread this poison – on the streets or online – will always face the full force of the law.”

There has also been a sharp increase in hate incidents among British Muslims since last October, according to the aid organisation Tell Mama.

A survey of 550 Muslims found that 60 percent of respondents believed that hatred against Muslims had increased. More than one in four respondents said they had experienced an anti-Muslim hate incident.

Iman Atta, director of Tell Mama, said: “These findings show that British Muslims are feeling a sense of fear and are becoming increasingly aware of the toxic nature of anti-Muslim hatred and Islamophobia. This comes even before recent events and attacks on mosques such as Southport Mosque by members of the far right.”

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