
Kelly Keegan votes against paying DA novices the same salary as PD novices

Kelly Keegan votes against paying DA novices the same salary as PD novices

Yesterday I told you that NorCo District Attorney Steve Baratta hired Frank Donchez, former Bethlehem Police Chief, as assistant district attorney. He said Donchez’s experience in law enforcement and as a practicing attorney made him a worthy choice. Although he hired an assistant district attorney for an existing position, he requested a three-step raise for Donchez, from $67,828 to $77,403. Under the Administrative Code, a three-step raise requires approval from the County Council. Last night, he got it. The council voted 8-1 for the raise, with Kelly Keegan casting the lone no vote.

Yesterday I accused her of taking her lead from Chief Administrative Officer Lamont McClure. I say that because she has been a reliable rubber stamp for him since she was sworn in. And McClure is, quite frankly, stingy. He doesn’t like paying people who work for the county a lot of money. Ask any union member. Ask any career services employee, heck, ask anyone who works for the county. He even opposes much-needed raises for his own position.

My accusation infuriated Keegan, who posted a comment here slamming me and at the meeting last night claimed that this was a “drama blog.”

In fact, this blog focuses primarily on Lehigh Valley and Northampton County government, making it more of a comedy blog. Bad comedy, yes, but that’s the way it is.

Keegan then complained about the $10,000 raise and the pension you earn after five years, as if she were the Judy of Punch and Judy Showwith Lamont McClure pulling the puppet strings from above. She also argued that since she had to start as a freshman when she transferred from Allentown to the Easton School District, everyone should do so.

Later that evening, she voted to hire Aline Shafnisky as council secretary at a salary far above her salary as deputy.

Their own thinking is inconsistent. That’s what happens when people vote based on what they’re told, rather than what they believe.

It ignores the real difficulties district attorneys across the state and country have in attracting new talent. It also ignored a point Baratta made two days in a row — Donchez’s salary would still be below the starting salary of an assistant public defender. “I’m asking for a salary that’s competitive with what we’re paying our brand new public defenders,” he said last night. Public defenders have a duty to represent indigent defendants while prosecutors protect the community. That’s why they “represent the Commonwealth.”

Council member John Goffredo agreed with Baratta. “I don’t know why we don’t allow the elected man to run the office the way he sees fit. If you think that will help, I would be happy to support it.”

There was no further discussion, and Keegan was the only one to vote no. Even Jeff Warren, who punched the usual Punch and Judy Show Routine, voted yes.

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