
Judge Judy says this about good parenting

Judge Judy says this about good parenting

Published: August 8, 2024

Judge Judy says this about good parenting
Photo by judgejudysheindlin on Instagram

Judge Judy says this about good parenting

By Movieguide® Contributor

Judge Judy Sheindlin explained how a parent’s behavior at home affects the values ​​their children follow throughout their childhood.

“All parents, unless they’re psychotic, want their children to grow up to be responsible, law-abiding, productive citizens and friends,” Sheindlin told Fox News Digital. “And it’s the parents’ responsibility to make sure that those morals are built from the home. That’s not anyone else’s responsibility. That’s not a school’s responsibility. That’s not a community’s responsibility.”

“I’ve always believed that children learn morality by imitating their parents. So if you have amoral parents, then their children will imitate that because they know that,” she continued.

“So parents don’t want their kids to grow up to be anything other than successful people,” Sheindlin added. “When you’re on the phone and the phone rings and your 6-year-old answers and it’s your mother-in-law, and you say to your child, ‘Tell her I’m not home.’ Well, that sounds innocent enough, doesn’t it? But what you’re really teaching the child in that moment is that it’s OK to lie. My parents, my parents that I look up to, just told me that it’s OK to lie. The same thing happens when your child is listening to you and you’re not telling the truth, because that’s what the child is going to become when they grow up.”

Sheindlin believes it is the duty of parents to not only set a good example but also to clarify the rules when their children break the rules. This, she explains, is the foundation for success because if they know what is expected of them, they can succeed.

“Parents sometimes get in trouble when they say, ‘We just want to be our kids’ buddy,'” she explained. “But kids need rules, just like adults do. I mean, the country is in the state it’s in now because the rules are blurring.”

“But I’ve always believed that babies feel good wrapped up in the womb – they’re close. And that’s why they teach moms and dads of newborns how to wrap their baby, tightly when they’re infants, because they feel safe in that tight blanket,” Sheindlin continued. “And as they get older, you loosen that blanket so the kids develop their wings. They crawl, then they walk. But you should never deviate from the basic rules.”

The famous judge is a mother of five and has a lot of experience as a mother. Now that her children are grown, they are grateful for the strict standards she imposed on them.

“I became the interrogator that I am because of her,” her son Adam Levy told Fox News Digital. “Growing up, she always knew when I was a little off, when I was lying or trying to cover something up because I had done something wrong. She knew. And it wasn’t just that she had this sixth sense about what she was doing, but she was able to ask a series of questions that I ultimately couldn’t answer. I was completely confused and she knew I was lying.”

Sheindlin is also a grandmother to 13 grandchildren.

“I spoil them,” she said in 2015. “I try to imagine why we don’t do it, but the answer is: we do. We don’t even think we do it, but their parents are very smart. And they try to prevent it.”

Movieguide® previously reported on Sheindlin:

Judge Judy Sheindlin teams up with her granddaughter to appear on Court TV on November 1.

The courtroom icon, known for the long-running series “JUDGE JUDY,” announced that the premiere of her new show “JUDY JUSTICE” will be available weekdays on IMDb TV, a free streaming service from Amazon.

“New look. New home. Same Judge Judith Sheindlin. #JudyJustice premieres weekdays starting November 1st exclusively on @IMDbTV,” an official tweet said.

“She’s smart, sassy and headstrong,” Sheindlin said of her granddaughter. “Who knows where she got these qualities from?”

After 25 years, “JUDGE JUDY” came to an end after CBS acquired the rights to repeat old episodes from Sheindlin.

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