
Elon Musk trolled this Guardian report about his Trump chat and this professor’s great comeback was just epic

Elon Musk trolled this Guardian report about his Trump chat and this professor’s great comeback was just epic

The much-publicized conversation between Elon Musk and Donald Trump was remembered primarily because of an unfortunate technical defect and speculation about the condition of Donald Trump’s teeth.

We mention it again because the Guardian has done a thorough investigation – it probably didn’t need to go that deep – to verify the statements made by the pair, particularly on climate change. The result may not surprise you.

The dumbest conversation ever – well, at least until the two have another one.

Of course, Musk himself noticed, and he had this to say:

And that.

There is probably no greater compliment for the Guardian.

But we mention it because Musk’s trolling was noticed by one of the people quoted in the Guardian article and her response to it was just perfect.


Here is an excerpt of what Prof. Mann had to say in the article (you can read the full post here).

“The damaging effects of climate change, particularly from more extreme weather events such as wildfires, floods, heat waves and more intense hurricanes, are in many ways exceeding predictions made just a decade ago,” said Michael Mann, a leading climate scientist and author. “It’s sad that Elon Musk has become a climate change denier, but that’s what he is. He is literally denying what the science has to say here.”

Mann said that when CO2 levels become so high that breathing becomes difficult, the effects of the climate crisis “will be so devastating that they have already caused societal collapse. It is actually Elon’s ill-informed and poorly based statements that are causing headaches and nausea.”

Mann added that Trump’s statement that sea level rise will lead to more oceanfront real estate “does not reflect a lack of understanding of climate physics. It reflects a lack of understanding of elementary school geometry.”

At the time of writing, Musk doesn’t seem to have accepted the challenge yet, but we’ll definitely be keeping an eye on it!

source @MichaelEMann

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