
BLIND DATE: I would like to go on another date without my 13-year-old…

BLIND DATE: I would like to go on another date without my 13-year-old…

Every week FEMAIL asks two singles to tell us about their blind date.

This week it’s Amanda, 49, and Nick, 48,’s turn – but will there be a romance in sight between the two hopefuls?

Amanda, 49

Separated with two children aged 15 and 13.

Current role: Magazine editor.

I would be happy to meet the following people: A relaxed man who I can have fun and go on vacation with. I’m not looking for a second husband, just someone to share things with.

BLIND DATE: I would like to go on another date without my 13-year-old…

Amanda says she is not looking for a new husband, just someone to share things with

Dating history?

I was married for 14 years but we split up over two years ago. We are still friends. Since then I have been on three dates, one of which was a catfish – a completely different man to the one I thought I was chatting to. It was all very strange – I suspect he was married.

Nervous before the date?

I was a little worried because I knew so little about Nick. While I was waiting, a man who looked to be about 80 walked in and I thought, “Could that be him?”

First impressions?

He wasn’t 80! And yes, he was attractive and smartly dressed in a dark blue t-shirt and pants. He had a big smile that made him look friendly and I knew everything would go well. He told me he was nervous too, which helped me.

Easy to approach?

We come from very different backgrounds – he’s a Greek Cypriot from north London, while I’m from the west of the country – but we’re both gregarious and could say we grew up in 1990s rave culture.

We’ve also covered kids, cats, holidays, and even ghosts. I used to be the editor of a ghost magazine and told Nick about the man I once interviewed who thought his butt was cursed! Nick told me about an eerily accurate prediction he received from a psychic, even though he’s not a real believer.

We both came on stage in conversation, which I really enjoyed. I had a great time. My 13-year-old came along at the end – she was shopping – but it wasn’t awkward and Nick made her feel welcome, which was lovely.

Embarrassing moments?

Not at all.

Did sparks fly?

It’s too early to tell, but I think we found each other attractive and flirted a little. We exchanged numbers and he already texted me, so maybe.

See him again?

I think we’ll meet again without the pressure of telling a national newspaper afterwards. Over something more relaxed, like lunch in a pub. And without my daughter being on the date…

What do you think he was thinking about you?

I would be surprised if it wasn’t positive.

Would your family like him?

My daughter spent two hours with us and found him very nice.

Amanda’s verdict: 9.5/10

Fallen? We never stopped talking, it was so much fun.

Regret? NO.

Coffee or taxi? Coffee.

Nick, 48

Living separately, with a son, 15 years old.

Current role: Bus driver.

I would be happy to meet the following people: An independent woman with her own life, whose happiness does not depend on me.

Nick says he loves it when a woman has a fabulous sense of humor. The only thing he and Amanda didn't talk about was past relationships

Nick says he loves it when a woman has a fabulous sense of humor. The only thing he and Amanda didn’t talk about was past relationships

Dating history?

My longest relationship lasted six years, but we split amicably three years ago. I’m still friends with my son’s mother, who I was with for four years, but dating hasn’t been a priority lately because I’ve been too busy.

Nervous before the date?

It’s my first official date in two years, but I tried to use the nerves as motivation.

First impressions?

I was really impressed. Amanda was wearing a red dress and had a great figure – you could see that she takes care of herself and goes to the gym. From the moment we sat down, we didn’t stop chatting.

Easy to approach?

We talked for an hour and a half before we even ordered food. Amanda loves traveling – as do I – and we talked about the ups and downs of having teenagers. We obviously come from different backgrounds, but that didn’t matter. The only thing we didn’t talk about was past relationships, which I don’t think either of us thought was a good topic for a first date. We laughed a lot too. I love when a woman has a great sense of humor.

Embarrassing moments?

Not even once.

Did sparks fly?

I don’t think that’s the case at this early stage. She was just someone I got on incredibly well with. Although she is attractive, there was no sexual chemistry, but I put that down to the fact that it was my first date in two years.

See you again?

We exchanged numbers but didn’t say if we wanted to meet again. She might also have thought that there was no chemistry, but I’m not too disappointed about that. I felt the same way. So I have no idea if we’ll meet again, but I would love to see her again, even as friends.

What do you think she was thinking about you?

I hope she would say that I am sociable and well-mannered.

Would your family like it?

She has a great personality. I actually met her 13-year-old daughter after the date when she was shopping nearby. We all went to a pub afterwards, which was nice and relaxed. We had a great time.

Nick’s verdict: 10/10

Fallen? She didn’t look at her phone once.

Regret? None at all.

Coffee or taxi? Coffee.

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