
Avalanche rescue saves 11-year-old boy

Avalanche rescue saves 11-year-old boy

28 December 2007 — — Max Zilvitis was buried by an avalanche on Sunday. When rescue workers found and dug out the 11-year-old, Max’s body was blue, he had stopped breathing and no longer had a pulse.

Max, however, has come to his senses again and the brave boy is already asking his mother where he left his ski pass.

Good Morning America conducted an exclusive interview with Max and his family today from their home in Park City, Utah.

“I remember skiing down a slope called the North Face and I got stuck in some powder at the end of the slope. Then I heard my dad shout ‘avalanche’. Then I looked and there was an avalanche that hit me. Then I was under the snow for a while but then I lost consciousness and woke up in the hospital,” Max said.

Max’s father Brian was also buried first.

“I remember the snow getting all over my legs and my lower back and I think I was buried up to my waist. I don’t really remember how I got out, I just remember wanting to find Max,” Brain said. As soon as he got out, he immediately called 911 to get help for his son.

“God, please help me! I have to find him before it’s too late! Please “Max, say something! My son is down there!” Brian can be heard screaming as he calls the emergency dispatcher.

“I looked around and had the worst feeling in the world. It was all the moments I had shared with Max and all the conversations we had and the thought that they would end right there was just it was just devastating,” Brian said.

Somewhere under almost a meter and a half of snow, Max was buried alive. Within minutes, the ski patrol and a number of volunteers began frantically searching for traces of a body. Finally, after 33 minutes, the stick of a 16-year-old boy touched something.

“I said I felt something and the ski patrol came and we dug him out and found him and it was really scary,” said Emily Loughlin, the teen who found Max with her pole.

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