
New online platform strengthens Caribbean literary scene

New online platform strengthens Caribbean literary scene

AauthorsandWritersHub.coma novel online directory and resource center for writers and authors in Barbados and the Caribbean, has made its debut. The platform aims to showcase published works by regional authors while providing guidance on publishing and marketing books.

The website not only aims to put authors in the spotlight, but also to create connections between writers and local service providers. The directory includes a comprehensive list of publishers, printers, editors, illustrators and other professionals in the area.

Teri Bethel, the site’s administrator, stresses the importance of authors’ visibility. She explains that search engines must be able to find authors in brick-and-mortar stores or direct deliveries, even if they are not listed on international platforms such as Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

“Unity is strength,” Bethel noted. “We can unite as a writing community while helping to build a literacy industry that can be supported throughout the region.”

The platform also serves as a launching pad for aspiring storytellers and offers writing tips for educators and students. It showcases works by young regional authors and provides them with a space to hone their craft and share their work.

The site’s developers believe that fostering a supportive writing environment can enhance character development in young people. The platform focuses on promoting family-friendly fiction and nonfiction that align with its core values ​​of strengthening families and supporting nation-building.

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