
Spiritual well-being of Missouri residents tops Smilehub’s list – News/Talk KRMS

Spiritual well-being of Missouri residents tops Smilehub’s list – News/Talk KRMS

How spiritual is the state of Missouri…?

According to personal finance website, Missouri ranks most religious state in the country.

SmileHub used 11 key metrics, including religious interest and houses of worship, and ranked Missouri 13th.threligious education and careers, Missouri ranks 18th and religious organizations that ranked Missouri 14thth for his overall ranking of 11th place.

Nevada, New Hampshire and Maine are considered the least religious states in the country, while Texas, Virginia and Alabama are considered the most religious, with Bama topping the list.

Full report:

38% of adults in the United States consider religion to be very important in their lives. The nonprofit organization SmileHub today released new reports on the best charities supporting faith and religion and the most religious states in 2024.

To highlight the states where religion is most important and those where it is less important, SmileHub The study compared the 50 states on 11 key metrics, ranging from the share of adults who consider religion to be very important in their lives to places of worship per capita to religion-related occupations per capita.

Most religious states

Least religious states

1. Alabama 41. Connecticut
2. Virginia 42. Wyoming
3. Texas 43. Rhode Island
4. Tennessee 44. Delaware
5. North Carolina 45. Massachusetts
6.South Carolina 46. ​​Alaska
7. Indiana 47. Vermont
8. Pennsylvania 48. Nevada
9. Georgia 49. New Hampshire
10. New York 50. Maine

Key statistics

  • Mississippi has the highest Percentage of adults who are very religious – 2.8 times higher than in Vermont, where the proportion is lowest.
  • Utah has the highest Percentage of people who attend a church service at least once a week – 6.1 times higher than in Maine, where the proportion is lowest.
  • North Carolina has the most religious institutions per capita – 12.7 times more than in Utah, where there are the fewest companies.

To view the full report and your state’s ranking, please visit:

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