
These nearby star systems could be good targets in the search for extraterrestrial life

These nearby star systems could be good targets in the search for extraterrestrial life

NASA’s Chandra X-ray Space Telescope has created a three-dimensional map of stars close to the sun that could help astronomers search for alien planets capable of supporting life.

The map created by Chandra – the astronomer who just celebrated his 25th anniversary in orbit but is facing worrying budget cuts – could tell scientists which exoplanets they should point future telescopes at to search for habitable conditions.

The stars mapped by the telescope are arranged in concentric rings around the Sun, at distances between 16.3 and 49 light-years. That’s close enough that telescopes could collect wavelengths of light, or “spectra,” from planets in the habitable zones of those stars. The habitable zone, or “Goldilocks zone,” is a region around a star that is neither too hot nor too cold for liquid water to exist on the surface of a world.

A three-dimensional map of the stars near the Sun created by Chandra. (Image credit: NASA/Chandra)

The spectra of these planets, created when starlight shines through their air, could potentially reveal surface features such as continents and oceans, as well as atmospheric properties such as clouds and chemical composition.

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