
Letters from Wednesday: UCP should restore radar systems to save lives

Letters from Wednesday: UCP should restore radar systems to save lives

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After watching the weekend news and seeing the carnage caused by a fatal multi-vehicle crash on the QE2, as well as reports of motorcycle crashes killing more people than ever before, I wonder what message Albertans need to see or hear to slow down?

My wife and I were driving on Anthony Henday yesterday at 108 km/h and were passed by several vehicles that were probably doing 130 km/h or more. The same day my sister from Calgary was driving at an average of 118 km/h and she said she was passed by so many vehicles going over 140 km/h that she lost track.

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One of the first actions taken by Danielle Smith and her UCP caucus was to remove radar devices that were installed on overpasses for some reason. Perhaps it is time for her and her caucus to reverse that decision and reinstall the devices on the overpasses to hopefully slow things down and save lives.

Dan Merkowsky, Edmonton

Delays in angiography frustrate patients and staff

What in the world is going on at the Mazankowski Heart Institute? My mother-in-law had a heart attack almost two weeks ago and still hasn’t had an angiogram. She was originally seen at Leduc Hospital on July 31st. She had to stay in the emergency room for three days waiting for a bed at Mazankowski. She was finally transferred to Mazankowski on August 2nd.

Since then, she has been waiting for the necessary angiogram to move her treatment plan forward. She has now been in what is supposed to be the best cardiac center in Northern Alberta for 10 days without any progress in her treatment.

Apparently the entire ward at Mazankowski cannot accommodate angiograms unless there is a cancellation. I can only think of how many beds are occupied by patients who could be treated and discharged if only Mazankowski could complete the angiogram procedures in a timely manner.

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While my mother-in-law waited, my uncle went to Misericordia with chest pains and had an angiogram within a few hours. This appears to be a resource and scheduling issue at Mazankowski. The staff at Leduc and Mazankowski were caring and professional, but they seem to be just as frustrated as the patients with the lack of critical resources.

It seems obvious that Alberta’s health care resources cannot keep pace with the growing population. Alberta taxpayers are seeing worse health care services every year and our elected officials just don’t seem to care.

David Simons, Edmonton

Wait for a better museum suggestion

What is the point of spending absurd millions of euros to demolish and rebuild a green space that brings families far less joy than being overrun by hordes of homeless tent dwellers struggling with mental illness and drug addiction?

Who comes up with such ideas? It is better to leave everything as it is until the taxpayers have time to propose a better solution.

Ruth Lotosky, Edmonton

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