
Ron DeSantis well positioned in polls, with bad news for other Republicans in Florida

Ron DeSantis well positioned in polls, with bad news for other Republicans in Florida

Florida’s governor is well above the water in a new poll that spells bad news for some other prominent Republicans in the state.

In the latest USA Today/Suffolk University/WSVN-TV Telephone survey of 500 likely voters conducted between August 7 and 11, Ron DeSantis receives 52% approval, while only 43% reject it.

He is particularly influential among male voters, where he has an approval rating of 57%, 20 percentage points above the average.

But DeSantis is also almost on par with female voters: 46 percent of them have a positive attitude towards him, while 48 percent reject him.

It is also strongly represented in three of the state’s four regions.

While DeSantis only has 42% approval in South Florida, he enjoys 62% approval in North Florida, 52% in West Florida and 53% in what pollsters call East Florida.

The increasingly Republican composition of the state (Republicans have a one million voter lead over Democrats) also plays a role in its overall favorable numbers.

DeSantis’ 89 percent approval rating within his own party offsets his below-average approval ratings among independents (50 percent disapproval versus 43 percent approval) and his predictably poor approval ratings among Democrats (13 percent approval, 81 percent disapproval).

Despite the unaffiliated voters and the opposition party opposing DeSantis, the state’s Republican makeup puts him at or above 50% among every age group. He is at 51% among voters under 35, 55% among those ages 35 to 49, 51% among those ages 50 to 64, and 50% among seniors.

While his approval rating among black voters is a meager 20%, it is 52% among Hispanics and 59% among white voters.

The governor’s approval ratings contrast positively with those of the US senator. Rick Scotthis immediate predecessor in the executive branch was at 35%. The Suffolk poll also shows a close race for the presidency in the state, with Kamala Harris within 5 points Donald Trump.

But despite his second term, during which he left the state to run for president last year, other polls show DeSantis is popular. Fox News A poll from June also showed him with 52% approval.

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