
Fred Sirieix reacts devastatingly to the election turnaround of his “I’m a Celebrity” co-star Nigel Farage

Fred Sirieix reacts devastatingly to the election turnaround of his “I’m a Celebrity” co-star Nigel Farage

Fred Sirieix and Nigel Farage in “I’m a Celebrity”

Fred Sirieix and Nigel Farage in “I’m a Celebrity” James Gourley/ITV/Shutterstock

First dates star Fred Sirieix had something to say about the news that Nigel Farage will be running in the parliamentary elections this year.

The couple lived together for more than two weeks last year in the controversial series I’m a celebrity, get me out of here!which caused division among many fans of the show due to the presence of the former UKIP leader.

Responding to Farage’s election U-turn on Tuesday, Fred wrote on X (formerly Twitter): “I spent three weeks in the jungle talking at length with Nigel Farage. I wanted to get a first-hand impression of him and his views.

“The conclusion is simple. He was very good at washing the dishes in the river, but when it comes to politics he has no plan and no substance. No vision. No concrete action. He is not interested in making Britain or the world a better place. He just rants.”

During their time in the camp, Fred and Farage clashed on several occasions, particularly when the topic of politics came up.

Remember a widely derided Brexit campaign poster that supported Farage in 2016which shows a line of migrants next to the slogan “Breaking Point”, Fred called the image “shameful” and accused the reform candidate of “demonising migrants”.

In a subsequent debate, Fred also claimed that Farage had “destroyed the economy” by supporting Brexit. He noted: “One of the things they said in the Brexit vote was, ‘We’re going to get £350 million a week to give to the NHS and build new hospitals and free care’ and so on. That never happened.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” the French head waiter insisted later in the conversation.


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