
Candidate Questions and Answers: Rob Hendry for Natrona County Commission

Candidate Questions and Answers: Rob Hendry for Natrona County Commission

CASPER, Wyoming – The primary election will be held August 20, 2024. Voting by mail begins July 23. For more information on candidates, races and how to vote, visit Oil City News’ primary election guide here.

Two four-year seats are becoming vacant on the Natrona County Commission. Commissioner Dave North is up for re-election. Chairman Steve Freel has not renewed his candidacy.

Candidates Paul Bertoglio, Terry Wingerter and Matt Keating have served on the board in the past. Arthur Youngberg, Casey Coates, Curt Simpson Jr. and Rozmaring Czaban are also vying for seats.

If you are a primary candidate who has not been contacted, please contact [email protected].

The questions and answers listed here were submitted via email. Commission candidates also participated in a forum reported on by Oil City News.

This Q&A with Hendry was received via email.

  • What is your professional background, including any boards, commissions or other public positions? What have you learned about leadership from these experiences?

I have served on numerous local, county, state and national boards including the county agricultural boards, predator boards and Natrona County fire protection boards. I served as a Natrona County Commissioner for 16 years and was President of the WY County Commissioners Association.

I was president of the WY Stock Growers Assn and past chairman of the WY Business Alliance/WY Heritage Foundation. I was vice president of the Policy Division of the National Cattleman’s Beef Association. All of these positions were about leadership and taking the organizations into the future.

  • Which committee tasks would you be most interested in and why?

As a rancher who has managed cattle all his life, I am interested in serving on the Agriculture Committee. As an oilfield operator, I would be interested in the Minerals Committee. During my time in county government, I am always interested in the Corporations Committee. In the next few years, health care in the state will be a big issue for the Health Committee. All of these issues and many more are tied into the Budget Committee. I would love to serve on the Budget Committee.

  • What priority would you give to capital spending/infrastructure in the state?

I would prioritize spending based on what is necessary to move the state forward, and I would invest in projects that strengthen our traditional industries. These industries are the backbone of our state and we need to keep them going as they pay the lion’s share of taxes so the tax burden on individuals is lower.

  • What problem do you think the state government is overlooking?

We must continue to keep wages reasonable so that we do not lose our workforce in all departments. People are our most valuable resource.

  • What can lawmakers do to improve public health?

I think the recommendation to create a health authority is an excellent plan because it will bring together health experts to discuss ways to improve health care in Wyoming. The recommendations should always be submitted to the legislature for approval.

To help seniors stay in their own homes longer, I think we should reinstate the home health program. They are healthier in their own homes and it is cheaper for the state in the long run. This includes adequate funding for county health departments.

All issues are important to move the state forward. I think these are the most important:

Property tax issues – make sure the laws passed last year are working.

Electricity tariffs

Transport and highways

Oil, gas and mining – hopefully we will get a new government in Washington that will enable us to transport our products throughout the country, but also to the Pacific Rim countries and to Europe.

Housing – Study the recommendations of the Task Force on Regulation Reduction

Wyoming Department of Health

Vocational and technical education – we need to teach our children the jobs that exist here so they don’t have to leave the state.

The Office of the State Treasurer – Our savings cover one-third of our budget each year. We need to ensure that this office receives adequate support.

Federal Board/Committee on Natural Resources – Study and respond to federal agency policies and actions on Wyoming lands. Environmental impact assessments, resource management plans, our oil, gas and mining permitting processes, to name a few.

Colorado River Basin Issues – Downstream users want our water. It’s nice to be at the source of the river. We need to maintain our water rights for Wyoming.

Financial planning for hunting and fishing and disease control

Working group on reducing regulations for major maintenance work – the legislator must address the issues raised by it.

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