
The Game of Life: College Edition Kingdom Identity

The Game of Life: College Edition Kingdom Identity

The message we heard on Sunday really made sense to me. We talked about Kingdom identity and citizenship and how we demonstrate that citizenship. I’ve spoken before about using my platform for good, and our pastor brought up this very concept.

The start of this year’s Olympic ceremony was quite strange and did not go down well with the Christian community. Our pastor discussed this with us, but he focused on the reactions of Christians and not on the ceremony itself. He made some very good points, the most important being that the Olympic coordinators don’t really care what you post on Facebook or Instagram about the ceremony, so why use your platform to draw attention to it? Why bring to light something you don’t like? Instead of doing that, bring to light the goodness of God. Focus on Him, not on worldly things. Make your Kingdom citizenship visible, because that is much more important than your earthly citizenship.

Be more mindful of what you post on your platforms. Ask yourself: Do these words help glorify God? Am I focusing on my life in heaven or my life on earth? When you do this, you are one step closer to walking in God’s path and following His plan.

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