
Fairfax County’s Active Transportation Plan

Fairfax County’s Active Transportation Plan

A change in traffic planning

According to Wynands, the Active Fairfax Transportation Plan represents a shift in our approach to transportation planning.

Traditionally, the focus has been on efficient vehicle movement, but this plan puts pedestrians and cyclists at the forefront.

“We’re really trying to change the way we think about transportation in Fairfax County,” Wynands said. “Instead of just building roads for cars, we want to create a network that allows people to walk, bike or use other active transportation safely and conveniently.”


One of the main goals of the plan is to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists. Wynands stressed the importance of creating dedicated infrastructure such as sidewalks, bike lanes and multi-use paths to separate active transport users from car traffic.

“We want to make sure people feel safe and comfortable walking or biking,” she said. “That means ensuring physical separation from cars and trucks whenever possible.”

The plan also aims to improve accessibility by ensuring that active transport facilities are accessible to people of all ages and abilities, including people with disabilities.


We are also actively seeking input from residents, businesses and other stakeholders to help shape the Active Fairfax Transportation Plan. Wynands stressed the importance of citizen engagement to ensure the plan meets the needs and preferences of local communities.

Fairfax County’s Active Transportation Plan

“We want to hear from everyone involved in this plan,” she said. “Your feedback will help us prioritize projects and ensure we address the most urgent needs.”

Once completed, the plan will be implemented in phases, giving priority to areas with a high need for active transport facilities and areas that currently lack infrastructure.

By prioritizing active transportation, we aim to create a more sustainable, equitable and livable community for all residents.

For more information, see our Active Fairfax Transportation Plan. You can also email [email protected] or call 703-877-5600 with questions.


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