
Sponsor a Cat’s Meow Now – NBC Los Angeles

Sponsor a Cat’s Meow Now – NBC Los Angeles

What you should know

  • International Cat Day is on August 8th
  • Rescue groups and shelters throughout Southern California need foster parents during kitten season and year-round
  • LA Animal Services has a list of ways you can help kittens and cats, from fostering to donation

Want to throw your cat a fun, lively World Cat Day party full of decorations, gifts, games and feline fun?

It’s true that your cat may purr at your efforts and show her appreciation by rubbing her head against your leg. But cats can also be surprisingly calm about our human expressions of enthusiasm, meaning she may respond with just a tail flick.

Anyway, cats are incredible.

August 8th, International Cat Day, is all about celebrating the awesomeness of our feline friends.

But this event is also a wonderful and important reminder for us humans; it reminds us that thousands of cats and kittens need our loving help.

Literally thousands, in Southern California alone, where animal shelters are full of cats during the hot summer months.

If you’re not throwing a World Cat Day party for your own cat—and a loving ear scratch might be enough—consider helping a local rescue group meet your cat’s many pressing needs.

August 8th falls right in the middle of kitten season, and animal shelters are faced with a heartbreaking influx of little animals in need of lots of affection.

LA Animal Services offers us several options when we want to give these little, loving cats some love. (No, that’s not the traditional term for “TLC,” but we’ll stick with it because it fits perfectly.)

Caring for a kitten or kittens is always an emotional undertaking, and being able to help and give the little one a bottle is a great way to go if you are unable to provide them with a permanent home.

There is also a kitten wish list that includes items such as food, feeding supplies and toys.

Happy World Cat Day, cat lovers. Pet your furry roommate and then help LA Animal Services or a local rescue group, as they help cats in countless ways.

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