
In Panama, a network for smuggling Chinese migrants through the jungle of Darién was broken up ᐉ News from – World

In Panama, a network for smuggling Chinese migrants through the jungle of Darién was broken up ᐉ News from – World

Panamanian authorities yesterday dismantled a network smuggling Chinese migrants through the Darién jungle, France Presse reported, citing the Panamanian prosecutor’s office and quoted by BTA.

It is about human trafficking of migrants whose ultimate destination is the United States.

“So far we have arrested 15 people linked to human trafficking,” said Emeldo Marquez, a prosecutor who deals with combating organized crime.

All those arrested are Panamanians who belong to an organization “dedicated to the human trafficking of migrants of various nationalities, especially Chinese,” Marquez explained.

The arrests took place in the city of Santa Fe in the province of Darién, a region on the border with Colombia through which thousands of migrants travel in search of the United States.

In 2023, more than half a million migrants crossed the Darién jungle.

Since the beginning of the year, more than 220,000 people have traveled through the city. These are mainly Venezuelans, Ecuadorians, Colombians, Haitians and Chinese.

According to Panamanian authorities, more than 12,000 Chinese have crossed the jungle since the beginning of the year.

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