
Canton Academy starts the game week with top class

Canton Academy starts the game week with top class

CANTON, Mississippi (WLBT) – The Panthers’ first game is quickly approaching and they are ready to set the tone for the rest of the season.

Canton Academy faces Greenville Christian at home later this week, and the Panthers are excited to play against someone in a different colored jersey.

“It’s already here and we’ve worked really hard this summer,” said head coach Gage Posey. “We love the group we have and we love the performance and the direction we’re going, so we’re excited.”

This season, the team is a little younger, but Posey would like to see the team grow throughout the year.

“We’re really excited about these young guys,” Posey said. “We know it’s going to take some time, but they’ve worked hard all summer and we’re ready to go.”

Even though the junior class is a bit overrated, this graduating class leads with one goal, and that goal is to win games.

“I love seeing their leadership,” Posey said of the seniors. “They’ve really taken these young guys under their wing. I’ve had these guys since 9th grade and we really love this group and look to them to lead.”

This group of seniors plans to give their all on the field for the last time.

“Everyone is pumped up this year,” said senior running back Cruz Johnson. “It’s our last year and we’re going to go out with a bang.”

Canton Academy was able to secure the state championship title in 2022, but last year they fell by one point in the semifinals and refuse to go down that path again.

“We’ve preached that it’s a game of inches, every little detail counts, and so we’re not going to give up this year,” Posey said. “We’re going to give it everything we’ve got, and they’ve taken that to heart.”

“We just have to push a little harder than we did last year,” Johnson said. “We know what it’s like to fail, and we were so close. This year we did it, and we know we can do it.”

The Panthers know that they all have to dig deep and give it their all to win the state championship again.

“Winning from within is our motto for this year,” said senior defensive back Landon Hillhouse. “I think it really means a lot to win from within and improve to win the games.”

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