
RFK Jr. says he has been picking up roadkill animals “all his life” and once had “his freezer full of them”

RFK Jr. says he has been picking up roadkill animals “all his life” and once had “his freezer full of them”

Presidential candidate, brain worm survivor and dead bear relocator Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is a weird guy. His campaign has somehow stayed in the spotlight because of his name and the weird shit he does and says. Well, after the incident with the dead bear in Central Park this week, we have a new strange RFK Jr. Fact that is very fitting: The man collects Roadkill animal.

kennedy told reporters that he had spent his “entire life” picking up roadkill animals and at one point had a “freezer full of them” in his house, according to The Associated Press. God, I love this guy. The independent presidential candidate’s comments came after a hearing at an upstate New York courtroom where he testified in a lawsuit aimed at disqualifying him from the state’s ballot in November.

In a social media video posted earlier this week, kennedy told comedian and right-wing nut Roseanne Barr that he planned to skin the bear, which AP said was in “very good condition.” He went on to say, “I was going to put the meat in my refrigerator.” He did not say what the hell he was planning to do with it, however. Well, on August 7, reporters asked him if he had any other Roadkill animaland to my great joy, he did.

“I have been picking up roadkill animals all my life,” kennedy told the group. I had a freezer full of them.”

He even boasted that the bridge was over “a thousand cubic feet” in size, according to The Daily Beastbut that turned out to be an exaggeration (thank God).

A spokesman for the kennedy Campaign confirmed for the AP that he does not joke about the existence of a Roadkill animal Refrigerator.

She said Kennedy – a falconer who trains ravens – feeds his birds this way. She added that he no longer has the 21-cubic-foot (0.59 cubic-meter) refrigerator that had been located in a Westchester County suburb in New York.

Many of these oddities have overshadowed the reason Kennedy was on trial in the first place. Essentially, New York wants to remove him from the ballot because he allegedly lied in his nomination petitions, saying that the New York City Katonah suburb was his main residence. In fact, he lived in the Los Angeles area since 2014, reports the AP. Oops.

Roadkill is a terrible fact of life wherever vehicles and nature meet (which is pretty much everywhere). Up to one million animals are killed in road fights every year, but being run over is not the worst thing that can happen to an animal because of our addiction to cars. Bloomberg explained:

There’s road noise, which drives songbirds away from important migratory stopover areas. There’s what scientists call the “moving fence” of traffic, an impermeable wall of vehicles that keeps animals like elk and pronghorn antelope from crossing the American West and reaching their wintering grounds. And there’s the road salt we spread on highways in incredible quantities, which turns freshwater ecosystems brackish. Half of the lakes in the Midwest suffer from long-term salinization, which is a disturbing term.

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