
Despite a dry week, harvests in Arkansas are mostly good

Despite a dry week, harvests in Arkansas are mostly good


Despite a dry week, harvests in Arkansas are mostly good

Despite a dry week, harvests in Arkansas are mostly good

It was a mostly dry week for farmers in Arkansas, with almost no rain, but most crops are thriving.

27 percent of the corn is in excellent condition, 52 percent is in good condition and 17 percent is in fair condition. 95 percent of the corn is in the dough stage, 88 percent is dented and 55 percent is ripe. The corn harvest has begun and 4 percent of the grain corn is in storage.

Twenty-six percent of the state’s cotton is in excellent condition, 50 percent is rated good and 18 percent is fair. All cotton is straight and 93 percent of the crop is boll forming. 28 percent of the bolls are opening.

41 percent of the peanut crop is classified as excellent, 46 percent as good and 9 percent as mediocre. One percent of the crop has already been harvested.

Twenty-eight percent of the Arkansas rice crop is in excellent condition, 50 percent is rated good and 19 percent is rated fair. Thirty-two percent of the crop is mature and harvesting is underway. Two percent of the crop has been harvested.

Sixteen percent of the state’s soybeans are in excellent condition, 50 percent are rated good and 19 percent are fair. All soybeans are flowering, 93 percent are already forming pods. 28 percent of the crop is turning color and 10 percent is already losing leaves. Two percent of the soybeans have reached maturity.

The condition of all hay is rated as excellent (9%), good (45%) and fair (36%). Similar ratings apply to pastureland.

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