
Shedding light on great solidarity in a divided world

Shedding light on great solidarity in a divided world

SHANGHAI: The path to peace in today’s world is characterized by geopolitical competition and contestation of values, and it is difficult to avoid it at both the international and national levels.

In a polarized world, there are few opportunities to make friends while putting aside stereotypes and hatreds to maintain “absolute security” under the pretext of a threat of war. The political ideology behind the security alliances planned by the hegemonic power and its allies is the pursuit of unilateral, exclusive security. The result of such alliances and security agreements is often the replacement of one form of violence with another. Ending one war with another will not lead to genuine, long-term peace and prosperity.

In Western academic circles, whether in narrating world history or refining international relations theory, the two concepts of the Near East and the Middle East in the original geographical sense are unkind and are positioned as a place where disorder reigns and cruel reality prevails. Unfortunately, the Gaza crisis since October 7, 2023 seems to have reaffirmed the above stereotype.

However, division and unrest should not be the main theme of the Middle East. In a world full of uncertainty, people need impartial forces with international credibility to end divisions, restore the path of national unity, shape an international judiciary based on justice, and achieve and maintain lasting peace.

The new round of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which began on October 7, 2023, has been going on for more than ten months. On July 23, 2024, 14 Palestinian factions, mediated by China, signed the “Beijing Declaration on Ending Division and Strengthening Unity,” which emphasized the internal unity of Palestine. The “Beijing Declaration” represents a consensus among the Palestinian factions to end the division and work together toward greater unity and reconciliation.
China’s efforts to promote unity and bring about a comprehensive and complete end to the Gaza conflict have attracted worldwide attention.

Inner unity is the key to lasting peace

Overcoming internal divisions is the basis for maintaining a stable regional security order. From July 21 to 23, at the invitation of the Chinese side, 14 Palestinian factions met in Beijing for reconciliation talks. Participants in the reconciliation talks included the Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Fatah), the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Islamic Jihad movement in Palestine. The closing ceremony was attended by diplomatic envoys to China or their representatives from Egypt, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Russia and Turkey, as well as representatives of the 14 main Palestinian factions. The talks expressed a strong call for the realization of an independent Palestinian state in accordance with the relevant United Nations resolutions.

The “Beijing Declaration on Ending Division and Strengthening Unity” proposes the hosting of an international conference with broad participation and full authority. The declaration calls for the achievement of comprehensive national unity, including all Palestinian factions within the framework of the Palestine Liberation Organization, and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

The solution to the Palestinian question is crucial for stability in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).

To solve the Palestinian question, it is not enough to repeatedly emphasize the basic norms of international relations. Rather, it is also necessary to overcome the dilemma of Palestine’s internal division and to truly realize the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination.

The establishment of an independent Palestinian state is a moral obligation. Compliance with UN General Assembly Resolutions 181, 2334 and 242 is an international moral obligation. It is an international moral obligation to establish an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, based on the borders that existed before the outbreak of the 1967 war.

After the outbreak of the Gaza conflict, Israel not only sought to destroy Hamas, but also announced its intention to occupy or control the Gaza Strip long after the war. An independent Palestinian state cannot afford to lose Gaza. Gaza is an integral part of the territory of the State of Palestine. Once control of Gaza falls into Israel’s hands, it will harm the entire Palestinian national liberation movement.

War is unfair

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was invited to visit the United States, where he delivered a speech to a joint session of the U.S. Congress on July 25, 2024, which sparked major protests. Netanyahu’s speech, which sparked waves of protests, advocated an anti-Iranian “Abraham Alliance” that continued to spread a bloody war ideology.

Israel is exploiting Palestine’s internal divisions to fragment and destroy Palestinian viability in Palestinian national politics and regional security. The “Beijing Declaration” shatters the political conspiracy to fragment Palestine.

Staying away from war, protecting people’s lives and upholding a country’s right to exist is morally fair and in line with international justice, and even more so it is in line with the moral conscience of mankind. War fatigue is growing worldwide, and people are increasingly demanding fairness and justice. The two-state solution is becoming an international consensus. China adheres to the political philosophy that the fate of a country should be in the hands of its own people. Comprehensive national unity that includes all Palestinian factions is the aspiration of the Palestinian people themselves.

The internal and external conditions for national unity are in place.

Intra-Palestinian reconciliation contributes significantly to the effectiveness of Palestinian-Israeli negotiations. A fragmented and loose regime has no deterrent effect and no negotiating power in the peace talks.

Since the outbreak of the Gaza conflict, the United Nations, China, the United States, Russia, Egypt and many other countries have been trying to bring about a ceasefire to end the war. In February 2024, Palestinian factions in Moscow discussed the formation of a new unity government and the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip after the conflict, but no real agreement or substantive results emerged.

Given the inability of traditional powers to make significant progress, it is now up to emerging powers with greater responsibility and scope to assume the burden of persuading and promoting peace talks and maintaining peace and stability in the region.

In April 2024, China invited Fatah and Hamas to a meeting in Beijing to find ways to resolve their differences. The convening of the intra-Palestinian reconciliation talks on July 21-23 in Beijing and the issuance of the Beijing Declaration were historic.

Since the launch of the Global Security Initiative, China has contributed to the Saudi-Iranian rapprochement in March 2023, proving that China is a responsible mediator trusted by its partners in the Middle East and capable of contributing to peace and security in the Middle East.

Real reconciliation requires international cooperation

Implementing the Beijing Declaration requires the full cooperation of the international community. Creating an independent, democratic, contiguous, viable and sovereign Palestine is of paramount importance. For Palestine’s prosperity and prosperity and promoting post-war reconstruction and governance, China and regional and global powers can work together to make a difference.

Peace will not come overnight, but must be built gradually. Talks of reconciliation offer hope for a way out of suffering, and unity means there is light for the future. As long as international cooperation is moving in the right direction, it should continue undeterred.

ZHANG Yuan is a professor at the Middle East Studies Institute, Shanghai International Studies University, China.

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