
Old footage of Jim Harbaugh’s interview resurfaces – it might be his weirdest yet

Old footage of Jim Harbaugh’s interview resurfaces – it might be his weirdest yet

Jim Harbaugh is one of us. Sort of.

The former Michigan coach, who was comically banned from college football for four years this week despite now being in the NFL, is a kid at heart. He may be a weirdo — and that’s putting it kindly — but at the end of the day, he’s just a huge kid who loves playing baseball.

You don’t believe me? Well, ten-year-old footage of Jim Harbaugh from an HBO special has been found on the Internet in which he literally plays an entire baseball game against himself in an empty parking lot for two minutes, while also announcing the game.

And if you didn’t do that as a child, you’re a liar!

The internet is full of this baseball game by Jim Harbaugh

I mean, he’s such a weird guy. But I love him. I can’t get enough of Jim Harbaugh. He messes with my brain so much I don’t even know where to start.

Part of me thinks he’s just messing with us. He’s so weird it’s almost to strange. He knows what he’s doing. This has to be a joke, right?

But the other part of me thinks Jim Harbaugh is just the guy you’d see throwing a baseball at a building in an empty parking lot. That’s him. 100% real. Pure authenticity. What you see is what you get.

Some people sympathize with Jim because we all did this as kids. Others, of course, make fun of him because… we’re not kids anymore:

You either fight for Jim Harbaugh or you think he belongs in the loony bin. There’s no in-between. I’m firmly in the pro-Harbaugh camp. I can’t get enough of this guy.

Seems like someone I’d like to invite over on a Saturday in 2004 to down some Capri Suns and pizza rolls, play a little Halo, maybe shoot some hoops, and then spend the whole night messaging random girls on AIM.

God, those were the days.

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