
Good bus terminal design improves public transport use, new study finds | News

Good bus terminal design improves public transport use, new study finds | News


The new transport centre by Tremend Architecture Studio in Lublin, Poland. Photo: Rafal Chojnacki

New research from the Italian University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli on the “hedonic quality” of bus stations and their impact on users’ consumption behavior has shown that there is a cost-benefit ratio that is associated with higher passenger numbers and higher quality architectural design.

The study concluded that “the Italian tourist, attracted by the aesthetics of virtual bus shelters or terminals, is willing to spend up to €4.35/trip more for a high-quality waiting area or travel up to 28.2 minutes/trip longer than using a traditional bus terminal for the same trip.” These findings complement a body of existing research in urban psychology and behavioral economics. The authors noted the corresponding benefits of reducing motor vehicle emissions, especially in the center of large metropolitan areas.

“In my opinion, this is a disturbing result for transport operators and planners,” the paper’s co-author, Armando Cartenì of the university’s Faculty of Architecture and Industrial Design, told Bloombergwho presented his results for the first time last week. “This means that in addition to the traditional characteristics such as waiting time, travel time and ticket price, there are others that make users attractive to bus transport. This is what I call the ‘beauty brand’.”

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