
Now is a good time to thank President Joe Biden

Now is a good time to thank President Joe Biden

I want to express my deepest gratitude to President Biden for his remarkable accomplishments this week, in August 2024. His unwavering resolve and diplomatic efforts have led to the successful release of hostages from the clutches of a ruthless Russian dictator and finally allowed families to be reunited with their wrongfully imprisoned loved ones. President Biden’s actions have saved lives, restored hope, and brought comfort to countless people.

Only two weeks ago, he made the selfless decision not to run for re-election and to immediately support his Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate. Biden chose Harris, the first African-American woman, as his candidate. In addition, he appointed the first black woman to the Supreme Court. While some see slow or insufficient progress and argue against ties to Democrats and choose to support white Christian rule of the MAGA party, a majority of Black people remain Democratic and recognize that slow but actual progress (Vice President Harris and Judge Jackson) is far better than obsessive anger and insincere, fake support from their community for Black people. MAGA offers “what do you (Black people) have to lose” instead of an actual seat at the policymaking table. Black MAGA surrogates Tim Scott and Byron Donald may argue that they are in the room, but standing at the coffee bar is not the same.

Meanwhile, concrete efforts by President Biden and Vice President Harris show that leadership recognizes the pain of all families by reaching out to Sonya Massey, a Black woman killed in her home by a white deputy sheriff. Harris has already stated on the campaign trail her commitment to enforcing equity in policing and enforcing civil rights law to protect all citizens, especially minority Americans in marginalized communities. Sonya Massey should be alive. Someone slaughtered her in her home after she called 911.

Byron Donald represents and supports Governor Desantis’ stance that slavery was a job training measure and black families “stuck more together” during Jim Crow laws. Tim Scott worked on a bipartisan police reform bill but put it on hold after the killing of George Floyd, another black victim at the hands of a white police officer. Black MAGA political supporters may use their anger to support Trump in establishing his dictatorship so they cannot disengage from Project 2025. What’s interesting? The “devil you know” perception often evoked by black conservatives and black MAGA supporters sinks silently to the muddy, sticky bottom where ideas die and wither.

Project 2025 does not have a chapter for black or female citizens. In fact, when you read it, the plan to eliminate all social and societal protections for minorities is shocking. So if grandma doesn’t get medicine or kids don’t have educational opportunities, please remember to stand up for it. Yet the Democratic Party not only has black-led initiatives, but also a black female presidential candidate, something you will never find in Project 2025’s oppressive “bible” agenda.

While it is true that some Black political supporters of the MAGA movement feel anger and frustration, it is important to recognize that the desire to support Trump does not equate to a singular desire for dictatorship or an inability to break away from Project 2025. It is unfair to assume that all Black supporters are driven solely by anger and blindly follow Trump’s agenda. Many individuals within this group may have various reasons for their support, such as economic policy, national security concerns, or a belief in conservative values. However, it is crucial to have an open dialogue and understand the diverse perspectives within this community rather than making assumptions about their motivations and intentions. Regardless of the reasons, there is no denying that Project 2025 is an integral part of the Make America Great Again (MAGA) agenda. Conversely, the opinions of the opposition have the same merits.

The prisoner exchange was comprehensive and included not only the release of three American citizens – Evan Gershkovich, Alsu Kurmasheva and Paul Whelan – but also the release of six other Western prisoners, four people imprisoned for their political beliefs and human rights activism, and three Russians with ties to Alexei Navalny.

The measures taken are a striking testament to the effectiveness of diplomacy and demonstrate its enormous potential to bring about positive change at the global level.

The exemplary leadership of President Biden and Vice President Harris is a shining example for all of us to admire. As Republicans continue to downplay and celebrate their blatant and widely publicized “Project 2025” agenda and attempt to impose what some perceive as offensive white Christian values, it remains critical to recognize and honor the altruistic efforts of our esteemed politicians.

Working with our foreign allies, they skillfully negotiated the release of a key political hostage, creating a stark contrast to the self-serving actions of the Republicans.

While Trump was often associated with his willingness to ally with despots, President Biden and Vice President Harris have taken a different approach by prioritizing engagement with our foreign allies and democratic partners, highlighting a clear contrast between their strategies. The approach we represent, grounded in the principles of respect and cooperation, stands in stark contrast to the isolationist and white supremacist vision of “Make America Great Again.”

In light of the recent hostage negotiations and subsequent release, it is abundantly clear that Trump’s return to the White House could have significant and far-reaching consequences. Moreover, it underscores the importance of democracy, a system that can be undermined by the actions of any individual, regardless of their personal situation.

Democracy is a political system that values ​​collective decision-making and equal participation by all citizens. It is based on the principle that no individual may subvert or manipulate the system for personal gain. But then we consider the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision that literally granted former President Trump immunity for his transgression, usurped the rule of law, and obstructed the sacred, peaceful transition of power – the American presidential election.

While South America is grappling with various difficulties, it is important to draw attention to the fact that in Venezuela, the essence of democracy – the freedom of citizens to choose their leaders – is currently under threat. When we stress the importance of democracy, we stress the critical importance of preserving its integrity and taking measures to prevent actions that could undermine its fundamental principles. The Supreme Court’s decision is therefore a clear sign of the urgent need for reform of the judicial system to ensure that every citizen is subject to the law and no one is exempt. Unfortunately, the country’s highest court no longer accurately reflects the statement that billionaires who exercise their power have been corrupted.

The Republican Party has undergone a profound transformation. MAGA supporters now hold the forefront while traditional Republicans are in the minority in their political party. The last vestige of conservatism is now fueled and overtaken by greed, corruption and racism. If the GOP continues to ignore and remain blind to crucial issues, it will lose any relevance it once had and can no longer be compared to the Republican Parties under Ronald Reagan and George Bush. The embrace of MAGA, a troubling agenda that advocates overt racism, misogyny and the establishment of white minority rule, has eclipsed and replaced conservative pragmatism.

While it is important to recognize the inclusion of Tim Scott and Byron Donald as representatives of the black minority in Trump’s campaign, Project 2025, and his team of advisors, it is unfortunate that there is still a prevailing perception that these individuals occupy a subordinate position compared to their predominantly white, Christian counterparts within the MAGA party. The scope of this observation does not only include a specific minority group, but extends to others as well, including individuals of Latino, Asian, and female backgrounds.

Senator Tim Scott had to fight through virtual political hurdles to be nominated as vice president. Instead, Trump chose a white-bearded senator from Ohio, JD Vance, an extremist anti-abortion activist. The white hatred that drives the MAGA party limited Tim Scott and Byron Donald’s chances of honest consideration. The MAGA party treated them like gardeners, only allowing them to water the plants outside the house, but never to water plants inside or use the restrooms. At the Republican National Convention (RNC), Byron Donald had the privilege of sitting next to Trump. Famous people like Amber Rose, a celebrity model and paid artist, made the event even more exciting. It is worth noting that in August 2016, Rose openly criticized Trump, calling him an idiot and further saying, “He’s so weird. I hope he doesn’t become president.” However, her appearance at the 2024 RNC allowed her to change Trump’s mind and support him. Yet Trump still has a reputation for oddity, as the newly appointed Democratic vice presidential candidate, Governor Walz of Minnesota, underscored.

Breaking Ranks supports a diverse, inclusive society where everyone is subject to the rule of law and has equal, inalienable rights, creating a legal framework and ensuring the freedom to pursue happiness, uninfluenced by race, religion, creed, sexual orientation and/or gender.

What is fascinating is how effortlessly people can abandon their integrity, as if it were just a change of clothes, and how manipulable puppets become, dancing to selected tunes from a dust-covered jukebox in a 1930s diner with a sign on the door reading “No colored people and no dogs allowed.”

This article originally appeared on Medium and is edited and republished with the author’s permission. Read more of Wayne Ince’s work on MediumAnd if you understand his words, buy the man a coffee.

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