
Books that are so bad they’re good: I’m back…

Books that are so bad they’re good: I’m back…

I’m back.

Or rather, I will Starting in September, I’ll start journaling every two weeks again, after a break that was supposed to last six months and lasted much longer than expected. Between writing a novel, finishing a novel, caring for Gil the miracle cat during a health crisis, hand and abdominal surgery, and an election period that looked pretty awful, I just didn’t have the energy for more than crawling out of bed, earning my daily bread, and maybe watching an instructional video while knitting a new pair of socks.

My goodness, there were days when I didn’t even feel like knitting socks.

It’s only in the last, say, three weeks that I’ve started to feel like myself again, and if you think that’s because of a certain significant event on July 21st, you may or may not be right. I’m not entirely sure, but whatever the reason, I’m assuming it is.

So! Here’s the tentative schedule for Books So Bad They’re Good 2: Electric Boogaloo. Note that this is subject to change depending on my work schedule, the health of the Double Felinoid, etc. But for now, here’s what I have planned for the last third of this year of grace:

September 8 — Witch hammering for fun and profit

September 22nd – The miserable life and annoying religion of N___ S___, the captain of a youthful spaceship

October 6 – Celebrity Trash

October 20 – Finally dangerous visions

November 3 – Winston Churchill goes to Laurania

17 November — Ancient Archaeology with Graham Hancock

December 1st – Christmas shopping tips, post-pandemic edition

15 December – Lady Agatha’s Forgotten Detectives

December 29th – HOLIDAY BREAK: Happy New Year everyone!


What do you think of this lineup, friends? Is there something you’d like to see? Something you’ve thrown across the room? Something so unbelievably bad you’ve used it as cat litter? Here’s your chance to let loose, so don’t hold back…



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