
3 zodiac signs will be incredibly lucky from now until August 18, 2024

3 zodiac signs will be incredibly lucky from now until August 18, 2024

Three zodiac signs will be in luck all week. The universe always has a special way of bringing you to exactly the moment you’re meant to be in. This journey includes redirections, karmic lessons, healing of wounds, and even some divine realizations about how much you want for your life.

But if you can embody all that you have been through, you can also emerge as a new version of yourself. Life is not a one-way street as many imagine, but a spiral in which you return to certain issues or opportunities over and over again until you have become the person who can receive the abundance, success, or even happiness that comes with it.

The week of August 12th offers themes of divine opportunity and transformation. You will be guided to revisit certain issues in your life so that you can consciously choose the path of your destiny. This energy begins on Monday, August 12th with the First Quarter Moon in Scorpio, a reminder that every new beginning also requires transformation.

When you begin to understand the process of giving up, you can take the action that comes with the constellation of Mars and Jupiter in Gemini on Tuesday, August 13. Mars and Jupiter bring tremendously powerful and happy energy, but you must commit and actually take action – no longer simply hoping for situations to happen.

Remember that on Wednesday, August 14, when Mercury retrograde returns to Leo, you may not necessarily be facing and dealing with a new problem, but rather an issue from your past. As you move through the spiral of life, you also begin to realize that your destiny depends on what you make of it.

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Three zodiac signs will have incredible luck from August 12 to 18, 2024.

1. Scale

Libra zodiac signs will have incredible luck from now until August 18, 2024 iconsy, paologallophoto | Canva Pro

You harness the power of the universe with every step you take, Libra, but you may not know it yet, or even doubt where you stand in life.

Be careful that your story is not about anyone else now, but about yourself, especially since you may soon experience some dramatic changes in your life. It is never selfish to choose yourself, and in this case, you are also putting yourself in a position to receive the happiness and wealth you desire from the universe.

When Mars converges with Jupiter in Gemini on Tuesday, August 13, you’ll feel an intense urge for new things. This is part of a larger chapter you’ll experience during Jupiter’s time in Gemini, but don’t underestimate the importance of this moment.

With Mars and Jupiter conjoined, it’s almost as if you’re getting the push you need from the Universe to move forward with your dreams and this new chapter. Try to make room for life to be bigger, more adventurous, and even more amazing than you’ve previously imagined.

Themes like travel, becoming a digital nomad, spirituality, and developing a deeper meaning for your life may come up now. Just remember that you are meant for more than you previously believed, and in this moment, by choosing yourself, you will finally attract the life that was always meant for you.

RELATED: The 10 best and worst personality traits of the Libra zodiac sign

2. Fish

Pisces zodiac sign will be incredibly lucky from now until August 18, 2024 Rruan designs creative and paololog photos | Canva Pro

There’s an incredible new beginning coming up in your life, dear Pisces, but you need to make sure you understand that you are worthy of everything you receive. While focusing on affirmations will help you receive, you may also need to change your approach to your dreams to be more successful in achieving them.

The first quarter moon in Scorpio on Monday, August 12th, lights up your house of luck—but to receive what comes into your life, you must be willing to adapt your approach, take risks, and believe in yourself enough to know that your dreams really can come true.

The first quarter moon in Scorpio represents a time of travel with a specific purpose. Even if you only think you’re going on a summer vacation, you may cross paths with someone who changes your life in a major way. But this energy inspires you not only to have divine encounters, but to live the life you feel your soul is called to live.

Whether it’s a career change, a change in living situation, or even a move abroad, you need to understand that the ideas given to you have been orchestrated by God to help you live more in line with your soul contract. You are entering an incredibly fortunate phase of your life where there is no wrong path or even a bad choice; you just need to allow yourself to take the chance to fundamentally change your life.

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3. Sagittarius

Sagittarius zodiac signs will be incredibly lucky from now until August 18, 2024 iconsy, paologallophoto | Canva Pro

Second chances are a reality, Sagittarius, even if you’ve tried to tell yourself otherwise. It seems that to ward off regret, you often tell yourself that something that doesn’t work out wasn’t meant for you. But this can often hold you back from the lessons you may need to learn, or even the responsibilities that are part of your soul growth. If nothing works out at a given moment when it’s not meant to, sometimes it’s because you’re not ready for the upgrade.

The really beautiful thing about all of this is that if a certain connection or career is built into your soul contract, that chance will sometimes come back repeatedly until you’re finally able to get it. Try to be more open to what emerges from your past, especially when Mercury retrograde re-enters the sign of Leo on Wednesday, August 14, as you’ll finally get that second chance you were too afraid to hope for.

Mercury retrograde brings past offers, opportunities, and even themes back into your life, allowing you to change your approach to them the first time around. This new energy could cause you to rethink your decisions to step out of your comfort zone and embrace your inner authenticity and higher purpose in life.

While Mercury retrograde in Leo can lead to changes in agreements, career roles, or even the direction of your life path, it’s all about being able to embody everything you’ve learned. But when that second chance comes, it can challenge your previous belief that it just wasn’t meant for you.

Try to confront your feelings of regret, take responsibility, and be open to seeing how you could have done better. This way, you’ll do the work necessary to ensure that you become the person who not only takes that second chance, but can live the life you’ve always dreamed of.

RELATED: Zodiac signs that are soulmates in the zodiac sign Sagittarius

Kate Rose is a writerspiritual astrologer, intuitive relationship and life coach and curator of tailor-made retreats.

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