
3 reasons why, as a black author, I can identify with Jeffrey Wright’s character in American literature, and 2 reasons why I can’t

3 reasons why, as a black author, I can identify with Jeffrey Wright’s character in American literature, and 2 reasons why I can’t

I’m a teacher and I love my job, but would you like to meet my true love? Writing. Namely, writing novels. I have a great agent and she does her best to get my stories out into the world. But as a black author, it’s not always easy.

Things seem to be getting a little better for writers of color, but I definitely felt a connection to Jeffrey Wright’s character in the Oscar-nominated film, American fictionin many ways (it was not long ago that people wrote about how white the book industry is). However, I also realized that I didn’t connect with him in some ways. Here’s why.

Jeffrey Wright in American fiction

(Image credit: Orion Films)

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