
19-year-old woman from Northbrook participates as youngest delegate from Illinois at the DNC: “I have hope for the future”

19-year-old woman from Northbrook participates as youngest delegate from Illinois at the DNC: “I have hope for the future”

A Glenbrook North graduate serves as an Illinois state delegate to the Democratic National Convention.

Nearly 4,000 Democratic delegates from across the country are attending the convention in Chicago, and on Wednesday FOX 32 spoke with one of the youngest delegates from Illinois: 19-year-old Claire Satkiewicz.

“I met so many cool people. And yesterday hearing speeches from some of my favorite politicians like Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and Bernie Sanders was very cool,” said Satkiewicz.

Satkiewicz, of Northbrook, will soon begin her sophomore year at Northeastern University in Boston. Fortunately, classes don’t start until next week because she’s attending the Democratic National Convention (DNC) as Illinois’ youngest delegate.

“I have hope for the future. I think we can move in the right direction. And I think the first step would be to have someone like Kamala Harris as president,” Satkiewicz said.

While still in high school in Glenbrook North, Satkiewicz became interested in getting involved in local politics.

After working on several campaigns when she was too young to vote, she met her mentor, Democratic Rep. Stacy Katz Muhl of Northbrook.

About a year ago, the MP asked her if she would be interested in applying for the position of delegate. She applied and learned a few months ago that she was a candidate to be a replacement.

“It’s really cool. I think one of the main reasons I got involved in politics in high school was because I wanted to feel like I could make a difference in politics, but I was too young to vote. And now it’s a great feeling that I’ve not only been able to do both at the same time, but also be able to participate in such a monumental convention this year,” Satkiewicz said.

Satkiewicz spent the entire week downtown, attending events with the Illinois delegation during the day and the DNC in the evening.

At a time when many young people are pessimistic about politics, Illinois state leaders said it is encouraging to see people like Satkiewicz standing up for the future.

“The earlier we get kids involved in their lives, the better. Claire may be young, but the policies we put in place impact Claire and her generation. The younger these kids are, the more they can get involved and take control of their destiny and their future, the better for all of us,” said Illinois State Auditor Susana Mendoza.

Satkiewicz is studying politics, philosophy and economics at university and hopes to study law later. She said she wants to focus on her political career and her education to give other young people the chance she had.

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